08/10/2024, Tuesday2 Chronicles 2

Do we give God our best ?

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch2


With what attitude do we serve God? Do we give God our best, or do we always serve Him frivolously or in a dispensable way? Do we always put things off until the last second? Or do we wait until we have free time?

Solomon's attitude in building the temple is a good example:

In 2 Chronicles 2:2, we see that King Solomon carefully and meticulously planned the entire building project. He gathered many workers and assigned them to different positions in the construction. This reminds us that serving God requires our commitment and we should not regard God's work as secondary. God is concerned about our attitude in serving (Colossians 3:23).

King Solomon went to great lengths to find the best building materials, including quality wood and precious stones (2 Chronicles 2:3, 8). This tells us that we should offer God our best, not half-hearted efforts or scraps. Whether it is our time, skills or money, we should do our best to honour God with the best offering.

King Solomon understood that in order to build the most beautiful temple, the finest craftsmen had to be employed, so he carefully selected and recruited Huram Abi. He was a skilled craftsman with a talent for working with gold, silver, and bronze (2 Chronicles 2:7). It is true that serving God often requires the use of special gifts and talents that God has given us. Whether it is through our own skills or through working with others who are gifted, we should make sure that we give God our best.

King Solomon willingly mobilized his own workers to build the temple (2 Chronicles 2:8). This reminds us that ministry is not a solo effort or a do-it-yourself endeavour. We are called to work together as members of Christ, encouraging one another to serve God in unity.

The most remarkable thing about King Solomon was that he made sure that all his workers were paid fairly and handsomely (2 Chronicles 2:10). Yes, in serving God, we should learn to respect those who work alongside us, making sure they feel valued and appreciated for their contributions.

With what attitude do we serve God? King Solomon offered his best to God not because God needed it (2 Chronicles 2:6), but as an expression of his deep love, fear and worship. In the same way, when we serve God, whether it be in ministry or in our personal lives, we want to give God our best and thus glorify His name.

Prayer : Dear Father, help us to give you our best. Let us willingly offer our time, gifts and resources for the glory of your name, for you are worthy. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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