09/10/2024, Wednesday2 Chronicles 3

Jachin and Boaz

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch3


After much preparation, Solomon builds the house of God and 2 Chronicles 3 document the different parts of the main temple building. The record described the vestibule at the front of the temple, the nave which was the Holy Place and finally the Most Holy Place. Both the Holy Place and Most Holy Place were adorned and overlaid with gold from the floor, wall to the ceiling.*

In front of the temple, there were two pillars which were thirty-five cubits high each. 1 Kings 7:15 tells us that the pillars were made of bronze and had a five cubit height capital on top of it. Many scholars believed that the pillars were not used to support the roof of the vestibule, but were likely to be standalone decorative structures existed for symbolic reasons. Both pillars were beautifully adorned with lattice works, chains like necklace and pomegranates.

Have you wondered why these two pillars were so uniquely decorated and placed in front of the temple even though it has no structural significance? This was done so that the pillars formed the gateway to divine dwelling. Solomon named the right pillar Jachin which meant “He shall established” and the left pillar Boaz which meant “In strength”. Whenever the people gathered in the morning and evening for their sacrifices, to observe the administration of justice, and to participate in worship songs, dances, and processions, the Levites would stand in front of the temple with these two pillars behind them. People would see it and it would set them in the right mindset to worship Yahweh. Everyone who entered the house of the Lord would also be reminded that the temple is established by God and built by the strength of God.

Proverbs 3:19 says, “The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens.” It was solely by His grace and might that His people could come into the temple and establish a relationship with the mighty God! Solomon's temple was the holy dwelling place that God established in strength, just as He had promised over five hundred years before.

Dear brothers and sisters, what are the “Jachin and Boaz” which helps you to remember Yahweh in your daily walk? The Jews practice putting the commandments of God on their hands and the frontlets between their eyes. They were called to write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:8-9) This was to help them to remember and revere God in the daily lives. While we do not have the same practices as the Jews, what can we do to keep the Word of God close to us daily? Can we have the Word of God as wallpaper on our computer and handphone screens? Or as a scriptural calendar that is placed by our desk? How can you be reminded of God in your life and surrender daily to His grace and power?

Prayer: Dear God, we acknowledge and declare that it is You who shall establish and it is by your strength alone that all things are accomplished. Help us to trust and surrender our will and ways to you. Help us also to walk daily with that promise of your goodness too! In Jesus name we pray, amen.

*If you are like me who needs a visual understanding of how it looks like, you can refer to this link for a good visualisation of Solomon’s temple.

Great Job!You're right on track.