17/07/2024, Wednesday2 Kings 3

God is entitled not us !

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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Verses 1-12 - Jehoram succeeded his father Ahab as king of Israel while Jehoshaphat was the king of Judah. He ruled for twelve years. He removed the sacred stones his father made but still sinned like Jeroboam the son of Nebat who did greater evil than any other king. He wanted to go to war against Mesha king of Moab because he stopped paying tribute to Israel after Ahab died. So, he asked Jehoshaphat king of Judah and the king of Edom to join him. Jehoram asked which route to take and Jehoshaphat said the desert of Edom. For seven days, they marched into the desert and depleted themselves of water. Jehoram started doubting God. He thought God was going to let them fall into the hands of Moab. He asked if there was any prophet of God around he could consult, and an officer pointed him to Elisha the prophet. The failure of the king of Moab to pay tribute to Israel led to the three kings going to war against this king. It was because of Jehoram’s spirit of entitlement. In every generation, we find such a spirit of entitlement. It is partly the fault of our fathers who failed to teach their children the value of hard work but instead spoilt them by being overly protective and overspending on them to give them what they did not have in their childhood. Thus, we have a generation who does not appreciate hard work but wants to gain wealth in the easiest and fastest way. Startup companies showcased on reality shows enticed investors to fund them so they could have access to easy money too. We now have a generation who does not know God but only cares about themselves and not even their parents. Thus, we find seniors dying alone in their apartments because they have become like Jehoram the son of Ahab.

Verses 14-27 - Elisha asked Jehoram to seek the prophets of his parents when he came to him. Jehoram told him that God called them to deliver Israel from Moab. Elisha agreed on the account of Jehoshaphat. He asked for a harpist and as he played, God spoke through Elisha to reveal the valley would be filled with water even when there was no wind or rain, and their animals could drink and live. It would also be easy for them to defeat and overthrow Moab. The trees would be cut down, springs would stop flowing, and the fields would be destroyed. The next morning water filled the valley. The Moabites also heard the kings were coming and gathered every able-bodied man. The sun shining on the water made it look like blood causing them to conclude the three kings had turned against one another. But when they entered Israel's camp, they ended up running for their lives. The army of the alliance invaded their land and slaughtered them. They threw stones to cover every good field, stopped the springs, and cut down every good tree until Kir Haresheth. Armed with slings, they surrounded and attacked this place. The king of Moab with seven hundred swordsmen tried to break through the army of the Edomites to escape but they failed. The firstborn and successor of the king was sacrificed before they retreated to their land. Elisha prophesied how God would defeat the Moabites for them. It was fulfilled exactly as Elisha told them. The sovereign God is entitled to do as He likes because He is the Creator God. He is faithful to His word and covenant. He has made a covenant with David and He will keep it even if His people were unfaithful. He protected and provided for them just as He will provide and protect us as Jesus had promised that He will be with those who believe in Him until the end of the earth. The sovereign God is entitled to keep His Word.

Prayer: Lord, I will seek you and trust in you even when I am facing the difficulties and challenges in my life. I believe you are sovereign to do as you like to protect and provide for His people in their dire situations. All praise and glory be given to you!

Great Job!You're right on track.