18/07/2024, Thursday2 Kings 4

And through us, people see the glory of God

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

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2 Kings 4 records several miracles performed by Elisha, through whom God blessed those around him.

In the first story (vv. 1-7), Elisha helped a widow who was in trouble. Her husband had died, leaving her with debts, and her creditors threatened to take her two sons into slavery. Elisha instructed her to borrow empty vessels and pour the only jar of oil in her house into it. Miraculously, the oil grew until it filled all the vessels, and the widow was able to sell the oil, pay off the debt, and secure the livelihood of her family. Through Elisha's intervention, God provided for the widow.

The second story (vv. 8-17) tells of Elisha's hospitality by a wealthy woman from Shunem. In gratitude for her kindness, Elisha promised her a son, and the prophecy was fulfilled. Later, when the child died suddenly, Elisha brought him back to life (vv. 18-37). God used Elisha to bring life and joy to the woman and her family.

In the third story (vv 38-41), during a time of famine, Elisha purified a deadly stew. He made it safe to eat by adding flour, thereby protecting the prophets from harm. God protected and provided for His people through Elisha.

Finally, in vv. 42-44, Elisha multiplied twenty barley loaves and fed a hundred people, similar to Jesus' miracle of feeding the crowd. Elisha's faith and miracles fed and supported the people.

The stories in 2 Kings 4 show how God met a variety of needs through Elisha. Elisha's character, faith, and actions as an instrument of God's mercy and power brought tangible blessings to those around him, reflecting how godly people can profoundly impact those around us. These stories encourage believers to pay attention to God's guidance and be willing to act with faith and mercy, showing that we can also be willing channels of God's love and power in our own circumstances. Through us, people see the glory of God.

Prayer :

Dear Father, thank you for the miracles of Elisha recorded in 2 Kings 4. Through him, you demonstrated your provision and care.

May these accounts remind us of your faithfulness and inspire us to trust in your provision in our own lives. Help us to be channels of your love and mercy, impacting our communities through faith and mercy. May people see your glory through us.

In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.