24/07/2024, Wednesday2 Kings 9

The Sovereignty of God

Rev. Dr. Casey Lok

Passage of the day

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After Elijah has fled from Jezebel the evil queen (also wife of Ahab, the king of Israel), the worship of Baal with all its idolatrous practices were still rampant in the nation. God has given three instructions to Elijah in His plan to purge Baal worship out of His chosen nation and to judge Ahab’s family for their disobedience in leading Israel away from Yahweh. In 1 Ki 19:15-17, God specifically asked Elijah to first anoint Hazael king over Aram; second, Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel; and third, Elisha son of Shaphat to succeed him as prophet. King Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael (2 Ki 13:3; 2 Ki 10:11), and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of King Jehu.

Interestingly, we can observe some of these fulfilments in the instructions in 2 Ki 9, the chapter for our mediation today. These three leaders mentioned in God’s prophecy played their part in annihilating the worship of Baal from the land. First, v1 tells us that Elisha had already succeeded Elijah as the prophet of God. Second, v14-15 introduces King Hazael of Syria whom Elijah had anointed him previously (2 Ki 8:7-15). King Hazael fought against King Joram (son of Ahab) of Israel and King Ahaziah of Judah. He was injured and together with Ahaziah took refuge in the city of Jezreel. Third, v5 introduces Jehu as a military commander in Ahab’s army. Verses 1-10 then narrate how Jehu was approached by one of Elisha’s prophets and anointed to be Israel’s next king. Specific details about the prophecy were being revealed to Jehu that he would be God’s instrument to judge Ahab’s family, avenge the blood of God’s servants that had been killed by Jezebel and even to the exact details of Jezebel’s death – how she would be eaten up by dogs.

The story unfolded with Jehu being conferred the kingship of Israel in v13 as a fulfilment of God’s prophecy. After being a king, he wasted no time in carrying out the mission to purge the nation from the worship of Baal by eliminating his predecessor, King Ahab. Jehu came to Jezreel. When both the kings of Israel and Judah came out to meet him, he surprised and killed them. Next, King Jehu proceeded to carry out his next step which is to find Ahab’s wife, Jezebel. She was most influential to her husband Ahab in leading Israel away from God. In killing Jezebel, Jehu also avenged the prophets of God who was killed by Jezebel and Baal’s prophets.

One puzzling question that some of us may have - how is it possible for God to use people who are not His own like King Hazael of Syria and even people who are evil like King Jehu to accomplish His purpose in purging His nation from the worship of Baal? God is in sovereign control over and around our lives. It is this sovereignty of God that explains how God used the prostitute Rahab to hide His spies who was sent by God to find out about the promised land (Jos 2). God’s sovereignty also explains how God, through a pagan nation Egypt, saved Israel and the surrounding nations from the years of drought. These are but only some examples about the amazing hand of God’s sovereignty. However, this does not imply that God condone the evil nature of these people or rulers of their evil or wickedness. Justice will catch up with them when time comes. If justice does not catch up with them in this world, it will be carried out when Christ returns at His Second Coming.

As you look at the situations in the world like the on-going strife in Myanmar, Ukraine and Gaza, let us not shake our heads in despair but may the meditation of His Word today encourage us.

PRAY : Dear God, We thank you and acknowledge your sovereign rule in my life and in this world. In the same way that You had intervened to purge Israel from the worship of Baal in the days of Elisha, we pray for Your intervention in the current political situations of the world. We pray that the situations will unfold in such a way that Your will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. And once again, even if we do not see justice being carried at this side of heaven, we know that justice shall prevail when Christ returns to earth. You are our just and righteous God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.