16/04/2024, Tuesday2 Samuel 15 : 1 - 12

It’s not fair!

Sis. Charity Wong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Scripture 


“It’s not fair!” is something many of us say when we were kids who do not know much.

Now as a more mature adult, I hardly say it. However, I still do catch myself thinking it, and it’s not only when I read about the injustice happening in the world on the news, more often than not, it’s when I think about the happenings and circumstances in my life.

To recap the last two chapters, Amnon raped Absalom’s sister Tamar. Though King David heard about it, there was no consequence for Amnon because of David’s love for him. “That’s not fair.”

Thus Absalom took things into his own hands and kills Amnon. Absalom is now in exile for the murder. But he is brought back, because of David’s love for him.. “That’s not fair either!”

Despite the love and mercy shown to him, Absalom stands outside a really prominent place, works really hard by waking up early and taking on many of the peoples’ cases, all to conspire against his father and his king.

Just like Absalom who was unsatisfied with King David’s justice, there were times I was unsatisfied with God’s will and work hard to change the circumstances to suit my own sense of justice. “If it were me, I would/wouldn’t have…” I Inflate my own capability to judge and challenge the outcome of the situation.

Worst of all, just like Absalom, I forget that if it were not for the love, grace and mercy poured for me, I would receive the justice I truly deserve.

“It’s not fair!” But Jesus respected and followed Gods’ will and died on that tree in my place.

“It’s not fair!” But who am I to say it isn’t, or is?

Prayer : Dear God, I’m sorry for all the times I rebelled against your will. You sent your son to die on the cross for the sins that I committed. Thank you so much. Sometimes I don’t understand and cannot see your perfect justice, but help me to trust and submit to your will like Jesus did, and to love others like how you love me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.