08/04/2024, Monday2 Samuel 7 : 1 - 29

Who am I ?

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

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2 Samuel chapter 7 must be one of the most important chapter in the book of Samuel, and arguably one of the most important chapters in the entire old Testament. This is the chapter which the Jewish’s Messiah expectation was first established and developed.

King David has established his own house, and the Lord has given him rest from all his enemies. Out of David’s response of love to God, David wanted to build the house of God. He told prophet Nathan, “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells in a tent. (v2)” But God respond to David was “No, not yet.” David wanted to build a house for God (5), but instead, God told him that He will instead make a house for David (11). It was a play on the word “House”. This house that God will make for David was not just a physical shelter, but a lineage of kings, a dynasty which will last forever. God promised David that his throne of his kingdom shall be established forever. (16)

God renewed His covenant with Israel through King David and God promised him 6 things: Firstly, I will make for you a great name (v9). Second, I will appoint a place for my people Israel (10). Third, I will give you rest from all your enemies (v11b). Fourth, I will make you a house (v11c). Fifth, I will raise up your offspring after you (v12). Lastly, I will establish his kingdom forever (v13).

Now, this might sound to us like another covenantal agreement made between God and His elects in the Old Testament. But to David, he understood how great and significant the renewing of this covenant meant! As the king, he knew the books of history and laws, and he understood the covenant that God made and renewed with his forefathers, Noah, Abraham, and Moses. These were men who had walked in great faith, and they were the spiritual heroes of many in his time.

Now, he was deeply humbled to find himself in this position of a covenantal renewal with God. David tells God, “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?” (v18) “And what more can David say to you? For you know your servant, O Lord God! Because of your promise, and according to your own heart, you have brought about all this greatness, to make your servant know it.” (v20).

Who am I? David understood and was greatly overwhelmed by God’s gift of grace he knew he did not deserve. David was the King, who had just unified the nation of Israel, and was powerful enough to bring peace to the region, he was amazed by God’s gift of eternal grace to him and his seed.

In the same way, we too received an undeserving gift of grace. We are the recipients of the new covenant where God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to hang on the cross for our sins, and because of what Christ has done, we who believed in Him shall receive everlasting life. Who am I that God would die for me? The lyrics of the song “Who am I*” rightly says it:

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth would care to know my name?

Would care to feel my hurt?

Who am I, that the bright and morning star would choose to light the way.

For my ever wandering heart?

Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin would look on me with love And watch me rise again Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea would call out through the rain And calm the storm in me?

Who am I? I am a beloved child of a mighty King and loving Father, forever indebted to Christ and anchored in my sanctification journey led by the Holy Spirit. I praise Him for His goodness and grace forever!

Prayer: Thank you God for your undeserving eternal grace and love for a wretched sinner like me. I praise you all the days of my life because you deserve all my praises!


Great Job!You're right on track.