21/08/2023, MondayDeuteronomy 1

Trust and obey

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 1


Almost forty years since the Israelites’ departure from Exodus, a new generation of Jacob’s descendants now stand at the east of Jordan, ready to enter Canaan, the Promised Land. The children and grandchildren of the rebellious generation are now prepared to claim the inheritance God had promised to their fathers. This was God beginning the process of a fulfilment to His promise to Abraham that He will give land, and offspring numerous as the stars in the sky (verses 8, 10).

But first, Moses will speak to the people, all that the Lord had commanded him (verses 1, 3). He will go on to remind them of what had happened before, the growth of the people, the selection of leaders, the enemies they faced, the long journey in the wilderness, and yet, how God carried them as a father carries his son (verse 31).

Nonetheless, Moses also reminded them that despite God’s presence and acts, the Israelites did not trust in the Lord (verses 32-33). Because of their lack of faith, that generation will not enter the land that God had promised except Caleb, “because he has wholly followed the Lord” (verse 36). At the end of Chapter 1, Moses continued to describe the rebellion of the people, where they tried to take the land when they were commanded not to, a further display of their arrogance (verse 43).

This speech from Moses does not end at Chapter 1 and continues on to Chapter 4, but here, in this first introduction of the speech, we see a deep contrast between obedience and disobedience. Moses spoke as the Lord commanded him (verse 3), Caleb wholly followed the Lord (verse 36), but the Israelites did not trust in the Lord (verse 32) and rebelled against the Lord’s command (verse 43). A generation of the Israelites did not get to enjoy the promises of the Lord because they had failed to look at life through the eyes of what God had done, and will do for them.

How often do we forget all that the Lord has done for us? How often do we forget how the Lord had carried us and delivered us through this life? Are we able to have unwavering faith like Caleb, who followed the Lord with all his heart, and with his whole life?

As we open our eyes to see what God has done in our lives, may we learn to trust in our Lord, and to believe that God will continue to lead us and act for us. May we always look to God, knowing that as He will go before us and fight for us, and He will be beside us to carry us, as a man carries his son.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for all that you had done for me, and blessed me with. I pray that I will continue to keep my eyes on you, to trust you, and to obey you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.