31/07/2023, MondayNumbers 36

Unity in Church

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 36


In Numbers 36, the daughters of Zelophehad show us how important it is to stick together and work as a team. The tribe was concerned about their inheritance rights, so the family's leader brought the matter to Moses and the leaders of Israel. Zelophehad had no sons, and they were afraid that if the daughters married men from other tribes, their land inheritance could end up going to those tribes, which would disrupt God's intended distribution plan for the land.

But then, God told them that if a woman inherits land, she should marry someone from her own tribe to keep the land in the family (Numbers 36:6-9). The daughters listened to God and agreed to do what He said. They ended up marrying their cousins from their dad's side (Numbers 36:10-12).

By obeying God and marrying within their tribe, the daughters of Zelophehad made sure the land stayed where it was supposed to be, in the tribe of Manasseh. This shows us that when the people of Israel work together and follow God's guidance, they can keep things going according to His plan.

The lesson we can learn from this is that unity and cooperation among God's people are super important to make sure things go the way God wants. When they all stick together and listen to God's commands, they make sure everything falls into place just as it should. And this idea of teamwork and following God's lead isn't just about land distribution; it applies to everything in the life of a Christian and the church today.

Reflective questions:

1. Are you willing to listen to and consider different perspectives within the church, even though they may differ from your own?

2. Are you willing to prioritize the collective goals and values of the church over personal preferences or desires?

3. Are you ready to actively contribute your time, gifts, and resources to support the growth and well-being of the Church and its members?

Prayer: Dear Father, Unite us in love and cooperation, like the daughters of Zelophehad. May we work together to fulfil your plans and be a shining example of unity in your Church. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.