30/07/2023, SundayNumbers 35

Cities for Special Purposes

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 35


This chapter is divided into two main passages, one is regarding the forty-two towns for Levites and the other about the six cities of refuge for someone who has unintentionally killed another person. So the total number of cities given to be administered by the Levites equals forty-eight towns. (v.7) Verses 4-7 give us a very clear description of the dimensions of the pasturelands to be allocated for the Levites in each of the 42 towns.

When God gave the Promised Land to Israel, He also promised that He Himself would be the inheritance for the Levites. (Deuteronomy 18:1-2) Even so, to help them minister effectively to all Israel, they need to be self-sufficient, to be able to take care of themselves and their own family before they could do the work of ministering to the people. Therefore, God provided them with the 42 towns distributed within the different tribes. Also, God gave them pasturelands around their towns to keep cattle and plant vegetables. The principle of allocation and distribution is simple: “Take many towns from a tribe that has many, but few from one that has few.” (v. 8)

This reminds me that in our present-day context, we also need to have sufficient staff and resources to serve the different groups of people in the church. If a church has about 100 members, because of the variety of ministries and needs and if there is no additional staff, then the pastoral staff will be taking a heavy load, and the growth of the congregation will be affected. Of course, there are many other factors that will affect the growth of the church, but church growth studies suggest the need for adequate staffing for continual growth.

The distribution of the Levites in the 42 towns with the surrounding pasturelands gives us an example of the need to provide adequate ministry support to the people. It also assures me that God would not shortchange those whom he has called to serve him full-time in the ministry of the Gospel and in missions. Personally, I could testify of his provisions time and again, for myself and my family. I thank God for being my faithful God and Provider.

The six Cities of Refuge are also given to and under the administration of the Levites. They are: Kedesh, Shechem, Hebron, Bezer, Ramoth and Golan (Joshua 20:7-8) They are to “permit the manslayer to flee to,” (v. 6) and “that the manslayer who kills any person without intent may flee there.” (v. 11) The purpose is to give an opportunity for the manslayer a fair trial to defend his action and intention. The six cities are spread over the different parts of Israel, three on each side of the Jordan River, to provide proximity and easy access. (vv. 13-15)

The chief purpose for the cities of refuge is to protect the manslayer who unintentionally kills someone, to flee there to take refuge from anyone who would avenge the person who has died. The motive and intentionality to cause grievous and fatal harm to a person is of utmost importance. Thus, the murderer has to be brought to justice by capital punishment (vv. 16, 17, 18, 21) whereas the unintentional killer could flee to the nearest city of refuge and be safe. (vv. 22-28)

Besides providing for the needs of the Levites and the unintentional manslayer, a more important reason for the institution of the cities for the Levites and of Refuge is given to us in verses 33-34. The LORD is the pure and holy God and He does not want the land that He and His people dwell in to be polluted and defiled by bloodshed.

Prayer: Dear holy and righteous God who has created the heavens and the earth. All things are yours, including our lives and our lands, and you desire that the land you gave us; the same land that you have made your dwelling among us to be pure and undefiled. Thank you that by the substitutionary blood of the Lamb, we are cleansed. You have purified your church as your spotless bride. Help your church on earth to be sanctified by your Holy Spirit. Help each one of us live clean and holy lives so that you might be pleased to dwell among us. In our Saviour’s name. Amen!

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