09/09/2023, SaturdayDeuteronomy 16:18-17:13


Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 16 , Click here to read Deuteronomy 17


The above passage talks about how to select judges in each town, how they should judge, and what they should do when encountering problems. Under what they should judge, Moses only talked about the proper ways of worshipping the LORD. As to what they should do when facing complex judgments, Moses' advice was to bring it to the Levitical priests.

It seems that the primary duty of these judges was to ensure that people worship the LORD correctly. Do not worship God while some idol worship is attached. Do not present imperfect sacrifices to God. Israelites who worship other gods must be stoned to death.

Perhaps we would ask, how could people, while worshipping God, worship other idols? In theory, it sounds illogical and impossible. Yet, in actual life, this is becoming popular. More and more cults advocate we worship more than just the LORD. They brought in Buddhism, Hinduism and even Islam worship together with Christianity.

Besides, other cults tell us to worship God in more ways than one. They even advocate that we should pay more attention to ourselves than God. It is like bringing a defected sheep to God. Perhaps the biggest problems come within the Christian community. More Christians are advocating that we need not dress well to worship Him since God is looking at our hearts. However, James in James 2:22 told us that faith and action work together. In other words, if we really have a faithful heart, we would want to be dressed right before our LORD.

Our next question is, who is our modern-day judge? Jesus, in John 13:14, said, "I, your Lord and Teacher, have just washed your feet. You, then, should wash one another's feet." Obviously, the washing of feet there was not just about the physical washing but metaphoric, to gently correct those who went the wrong way. Putting all the above together, every believer shall act as a judge to gently correct our brothers when they go the wrong way.

Prayer: LORD, it is not easy to correct others, for we have been wrong too. So, LORD, please teach us to live in your righteousness before we correct others in love. Help us love and adore you with the right hearts and actions. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.