23/08/2023, WednesdayDeuteronomy 3

The Defeat of King Og

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 3


In Chapters 1 and 2, we have already read how God led Israel to pass through the land of Esau in Seir (2:4-5) and the land of Moab at Ar (2:18) and the land of Ammon in the Valley of Arnon. (2:24). God had specifically told them that he had not given any of these lands to the Israelites.

The defeat of both Sihon, king of the Amorites (Chapter 2) and Og, king of Bashan (Chapter 3) is an important background to the Book of Deuteronomy because “within the larger story of Israel, this passage depicts the beginning of an important new stage in its history with God. The long history without land, beginning with Abraham and Sarah, and continuing through the period of Egyptian bondage and wilderness wandering, is finally over. Israel has returned to the Promised Land and now begins to receive it.” (Gerald Gerbrandt) 10Aug2023)

The cities of Bashan might be fortified, and all walled up (vv. 4-5) for a strong defense, and Og was the remaining descendant of Rephaim (v. 11) a nation of giants, but when the Lord gave them to Israel, none of these could stand up against them. When Israel acted in faith instead of fear (v.2) and in obedience to the promise of the faithful God, they had victory over their enemies.

They already had an earlier taste of victory, so they are to do the same thing to Og and the cities of Bashan, “as you did to Sihon the king of the Amorites, who lived at Heshbon.” (v. 2)

The reading of Chapter 3 reminds me of the song, “The Battle Belongs to the LORD.” (v. 22) The Lord spoke and promised Israel that he had already given King Og of Bashan into their hands. The verb used here is the past perfect tense, which means, “It’s a done deal.” The Israelites took all the 60 walled cities and many unwalled villages of the kingdom of Bashan, not one was left unconquered.

God knows that as we live in this world of trials, temptations, and sufferings, and we need to have experiences of victory to encourage us on, to continue to trust in his promises, to obey him, and do his will. And as we rely on him rather than our own strength or wisdom, we will have victory in Christ!

This passage also tells us how the two-and-a-half tribes of Israel inherited the land east of the Jordan River. The land of the two kings Sihon and Og was given to the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh. (vv. 12-17) And after the wives and children of these two-and-a-half tribes settled in the land, the men who were soldiers of valor were to continue with the other nine-and-a-half tribes to cross over the Jordan to help their brothers to fight the battle and conquer the remaining Promised Land.

Here again, I learn the need for us to finish the job together as a people of God. Sometimes we are tempted to just take care of our own area of ministry or responsibilities and become selfish or self-centered and not lend a helping hand to our brothers or sisters who are struggling to finish their work or ministry.

Moses was in the process of handing the baton to Joshua and he assured and encouraged him with the examples of victory that he had seen with his own eyes,

“And I commanded Joshua at that time, ‘Your eyes have seen all that the LORD your God has done to these two kings. So will the Lord do to all the kingdoms into which you are crossing. You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you.” (vv. 21-22)

As one generation continues with the legacy left behind by the previous one, the retelling of the stories of God’s presence, power, and victory is especially helpful and encouraging for the Lord’s people to press on to finish Christ’s commission for us here on earth.

Prayer: Dear Faithful God, thank you for your promise that our treasures are not of this earth, but in the heavenly places. As Israel inherited the Promised Land of Canaan, we will also inherit the Eternal Kingdom that you have promised through our Lord Jesus Christ who had gone before us to prepare a place where moth and rust do not corrupt. Help me fulfill my task here on earth and I look forward to your commendation, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” In Christ’s name. Amen!

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