30/09/2023, SaturdayDeuteronomy 34

A Life of No Regret

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 34


Life is a one-time journey, and eventually, we all face departure. Whether you enjoy fame, wealth and honor in your life, or remain obscure and faced poverty, when life comes to an end, everyone will face the same ending. Therefore, we all hope to leave no regrets in life. Moses passed away in the land of Moab after glimpsing the Promised Land God had given to Israel. This makes us think about whether Moses' failure to enter the land of Canaan in person became a regret in his life.

It is not difficult to comprehend Moses' longing and desperation to enter the Promised Land, to the extent that God allowed him a glimpse of it, as recounted in Deuteronomy 34:1-3. However, in verse 4, God once again reminded Moses that he would not be allowed to enter the land.

From a human perspective, perhaps there was regret. But if we carefully read the final chapter of Deuteronomy, God's abundant response to Moses presents a different perspective:

1. God allowed him to see the land of Canaan (Deut 34:1).

2. God cared for his descendants (Deut 34:4).

3. God honoured him as the servant of the Lord (Deut 34:5).

4. God buried him (Deut 34:6).

5. Moses remained physically strong in his old age (Deut 34:7).

6. Moses was dearly loved by the people (Deut 34:8).

7. Moses had a successor to continue leading Israel (Deut 34:9).

8. God gave Moses the highest praise in his lifetime (Deut 34:10-12).

All of these factors indicate that Moses' life was filled with God's love and rich experiences. Although he did not personally set foot in Canaan, his life was filled with profound meaning and blessings. He accomplished a crucial mission, becoming a great leader of the Israelite people. Therefore, Moses' life was not marked by regrets but rather was a life blessed and fulfilled by God.


Let us contemplate our life:

1. Do I understand God's purpose and plan in my life? (Deut 34:1).

2. Have I given enough love and time to care for my family and loved ones? (Deut 34:4).

3. Am I faithfully serving God? (Deut 34:5).

4. Do I feel the peace and joy that God brings? (Deut 34:6).

5. Am I living a healthy lifestyle? (Deut 34:7).

6. Have I built close relationships with others and have beautiful testimonies? (Deut 34:8).

7. Have I considered future plans and successors, especially in ministry? (Deut 34:9).

8. Do I deeply love God, sincerely worship Him, and glorify Him in everything I do? (Deut 34:10-12).

Pray: Dear Father,In this short journey of life, like Moses, we seek to understand your purpose. Grant us the wisdom to cherish those we love, to serve you faithfully, and to find peace and joy in your blessings. May our lives be a witness to your grace, and may we glorify you in all we do. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.