29/09/2023, FridayDeuteronomy 33


Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 33


After much instruction, Moses ended his ministry by blessing the twelve tribes. The greatest difference between this passage and the blessing by Jacob in Gen 49 is in its nature. Jacob said it as a prophecy, whereas Moses said it simply as a benediction. In other words, Moses was not promising what would happen but stating his wish. The fulfilment of his desire would primarily rely on how the listeners responded to his blessings.

The passage started with a short recap of how God had shown Israelites love and grace. It implies that his blessing would only be materialised in God through the Israelites' faithful observation of God's covenant.

Moses started with a petition for Reuben (the oldest son of Jacob) as Jacob had pronounced a curse on him.

Next, he prayed for Judah, the 4th son and the messianic people. Moses asked God to bring him to his people. It sounds like Moses had anticipated the split of the kingdom. He prayed that the split kingdom would return to him.

Next, Moses is supposed to pray for the 2nd and 3rd sons, Simeon and Levi. However, as Jacob cursed them due to their bloody vengeance against the Shechemites, Moses held back his blessing to Simeon. Levi was probably redeemed since Moses was himself a Levi. Moses' blessing to the Levi was they might teach God's law to the Israelites. A people who took the law into their own hands had to teach others God's law.

Then came the blessing for the youngest son, Benjamin. Why? Probably because Jacob had no good words for him, and again, Moses wanted to redeem him. To these people Jacob called ravenous wolf, Moses wished they would find rest in the LORD.

Following Benjamin was his older brother of the same mother, Joseph. Since Jacob took the two sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, as his own, the blessing to Joseph was realised through his two children. Thus, for many years, Ephraim became the ruler of the Northern nation.

Although Issachar and Zebulun were Jacob's 9th and 10th sons, they were the children of Leah, the first wife of Jacob. Thus, Moses got to bless them next. They had the easiest life as they would enjoy the harvest of the labour in the Lord.

Gad, the eldest son of Zilpah, the 1st concubine of Jacob, was next. He was to be a military power of Israel.

Dan, the eldest son of Bilah, the 2nd concubine of Jacob, was next. He, too, would excel militarily.

The final blessings were for Naphtali and Asher, the 2nd sons of Bilah and Zilpah, respectively. The last was not the least. Although we could not quite understand how these blessings would be materialised, we know they would gain favour and be well blessed by God.

In conclusion, the focus went back to the LORD. All goodness would only be realised through Him.

We learned a few things: Moses tried to turn curses into blessings. Yet, he could only bless when the people repented their wrongs. Next, God's blessing comes to different people differently. Be content with what was given, and realise their fullness in God.

May the LORD also bless all who wonderfully followed through this series of MCDD. May reading God's words be your strength in the years ahead. Blessings!

Great Job!You're right on track.