28/09/2023, ThursdayDeuteronomy 32

My God, my Rock

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 32


Imagine the senior Moses, 120 years of age, seated on a rock furniture in the wilderness of the Moab plains, address the people of Israel. The older generation that came out from Egypt has passed away, and stood before him was the next generation of Israel. The generation of Joshua, whom Moses has just passed the baton of leadership to.

Moses was a man who understood the great just and mercy of Yahweh God. Yahweh had called Moses into a deep relationship with Him at the burning bush forty years ago, and ever since then Moses continued to draw close to God as Moses encounters the power and might of God throughout the journey through the wilderness. Moses was not going to enter into the promised land because of his own disobedience to God, and this was going to be his farewell speech to the people he has led. God told Moses to write his farewell instructions into a song which they can sing and be reminded of God’s instruction to them.

So seated on the rock furniture in the wilderness of the Moab plain, I imagined Moses then began to sing Deuteronomy 32 in the mellow tune of their Hebraic traditions, which reverberated through the valleys into the ears of the people. Moses began his song by giving glory to God first, proclaiming the name of the Lord and ascribing greatness to God. (v 3) Moses wants Israel to remember that God is faithful and just, which stood in contrast with the people who were a crooked and twisted generation (v4 – 6). He provided for Israel over the last 40 years in the wilderness. They were like an apple in the eyes of God, and He was like an eagle who spread His wings of protection over them. He reminded them of how God cared for them throughout their struggle, generation after generation (v7-14).

Moses then predicts that Israel will forget His goodness in the days of their comfort and will become ambivalent towards God. They will turn to false god and provoke God’s anger. Moses promised them that God’s vengeance will be upon them so as to help them become His people again.

In this song of Moses, he proclaimed God to be the Rock. He is the Rock of justice (v 4), provision (v13) and salvation (v15). God is a faithful God who provided everything that Israel needed in the wilderness and will ever need in the promised land they are about to enter. He will provide for this generation, and he will continue to do so for the generations to come. The people of Israel just need to trust and obey Yahweh God. Moses, with the wealth of experiences after seeing how the first generation has turn away from God, he reminded the new generation to give ears! To listen and be convicted that only when we trust God fully and remain in Him, then we will enjoy His present and provision.

Dear brothers and sisters, it is the same for us, do not be satisfied with seeing our faith simply as a function of salvation alone. “I am already saved, that’s all that matters.” When we think of our relationship with God as a transaction, we miss the whole idea and joy of a growing relationship with God. When we choose to walk away from Him, we will be away from the source of life, dry up and miss the ability to enjoy the abundant life of trusting and obeying Jesus.

The life of trust and obedience is difficult, especially in a world where we worship everything else but the one true God. But for those who have tasted the goodness of God in the midst of trusting Him daily, the perspective of our reality begins to shift from the troubles of this world to the Rock, our God, whom we can find shelter, solace and provision in. The world no longer appeals to us, neither do we fear it, because we know who we can turn to. May the Lord help us to take faith steps to experience the goodness of His provision. Oh may we taste the sweetness of communing in Our Lord God! There is an old hymn, “He is my everything” that says:

He is my Everything, He is my ALL

He is my Everything, both great and small

He gave his life for me, made everything new

He is my everything, now how about you

Like honey in the Rock, sweet honey in the Rock

Oh taste and see that the Lord is Good, for he tastes like honey in the rock

Prayer: Dear God, help us all our lives to not be satisfied in a mediocre relationship with you, but one that will experience the sweetness of your grace more as we trust in you more and more! In Jesus name we pray, amen.

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