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God, Our Great Director
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Chapter 6 is admittedly a turning point in the book of Esther, where Mordecai was honoured and exalted (after 5 years), and Haman, the one who caused so many Jews to grieve over their possible elimination was suddenly mourning over his humiliation. It was a turn of events, much like a climax in a movie, where the poor man turned out to be the richest person on earth, while the richest person was stripped of all his riches and property.
All these came as a result of King Ahasuerus’s insomnia. If he had not had difficulties sleeping, he would not have asked for a book to read. If he had not asked for a book to read, he would not have been reminded of what Mordecai did. If he had not been reminded of what Mordecai did, he would not have asked what distinction was bestowed on him. And as we read through Chapter 6, we would come across many of such instances of “if xxx had not, xxx would not have…”, giving rise to the turning point of this chapter.
Were they just coincidences? One without faith might say so, “wow, Mordecai is so lucky”. But was Mordecai really lucky? Would so many “stars have aligned” for this good fate to befall upon him? Well, you know the answer, don’t you? Christian author, Derek Prime, says, “When it seems God is not active, He may be most at work. He may be most present when He seems most hidden”. God is working, whether we are awake or sleeping. God is working, whether we are aware or unaware. Chapter 6 is a great reminder that He is God and we are not, and He can make things happen in the most unexpected ways.
If we were to give a Best Director award, it should be given to God, our Great Director. He is in control of every detail in our lives, He directs all our paths, He knows the full story of our lives, and He wrote the story of redemption for us. Would we give all honour, praise, and glory to Him?
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for directing my path, and for working in my life. I fully submit to You, and give all honour and praise to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.