17/10/2023, TuesdayJoshua 9


Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

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Do a search for the word 'Gibeonites', and you will be led to 2Sam 21. When David was the king, the nation faced 3 years of famine. King David enquired God, and the LORD said it was due to the blood guilt of Saul for putting the Gibonites to death while Israel had sworn to spare them. Subsequently, 7 sons of Saul were put to death to have the land restored.

The above shows God upheld the promise Joshua made here even when it was made by mistake. Besides, after the mistake made, God did not rebuke Joshua and the elders. Why? Was it because Joshua made no mistake in this incident? Of course not; Joshua should have consulted God before he promised to spare these imposters' lives, which he did not do.

In fact, the entire episode displays much human foolishness. Firstly, the inhabitants of Gibeon thought they could fool God by pretending to come from a distant country. Secondly, Joshua and the leaders made a covenant with them without further investigation or consulting God. Lastly, in making such a critical covenant, they did not set a condition to invalidate it if they were found lying about their identity.

Thus, let us not believe that the covenant was just a mistake. I sincerely believe that nothing happens without God's consent. I think God allows this mistake, which is consistent with His attribute of being loving and forgiving. How these people described what the LORD had done through the Israelites shows that they were convinced that God was almighty and nothing could fight him. In fact, according to Joshua 10, the Gibeonites were great fighters. Yet they were willing to serve as servants, cutting wood and drawing water—their actions show their absolute repentance.

This episode assures me that God forgives even people he was determined to kill simply with sincere repentance.

Pray: God, teach me to be grateful for your assurance of salvation, which I do not deserve. Help me to love you the way you love us. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.