16/10/2023, MondayJoshua 8

No God like Him

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

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The story in Chapter 8 about the attack on Ai is a contrast to the short battle report on Ai in Chapter 7.

What were the differences?

In Chapter 7, Joshua ordered men to Ai, to spy out the land. When the men returned, they told Joshua to not let the whole army go up because there were not that many people at Ai. Joshua ordered three thousand men to attack Ai, but the men of Ai chased them and struck them at the descent, and the hearts of the people melted.

In Chapter 8, Yahweh ordered the attack and dictated the military tactic to use. He ordered Joshua to lead the whole army to attack Ai. Different from the attack on Jericho, Yahweh told the Israelites that they may help themselves to plunder and livestock (verse 2). Israel killed all Ai’s inhabitants, obeying Yahweh meticulously. In comparison to the defeats in Chapter 7 (both at Ai and Achan’s episode), Chapter 8 was a great victory by Yahweh, as He promised.

Yahweh’s order of the attack on Ai in Chapter 8 occurred immediately after Achan’s crime and execution in Chapter 7. At the end of Chapter 7, Joshua had faced two defeats – the first at Ai, and the second, Achan’s episode. He might have felt discouraged, he might have wondered if Israel needed to do anything to redeem themselves, he might have wondered if Ai was still the target to attack. However, at the end of Chapter 7, it was said that the Lord turned from His burning anger, and the victory at Ai confirms that the Lord meant what He said.

Yahweh took charge immediately. Yahweh invoked a twofold reassurance to Joshua – Do not fear and do not be dismayed. Yahweh commanded the military tactics and gave Ai into Joshua’s hands. Yahweh allowed Israel to take as their plunder, the livestock and the spoil of the city, to benefit them.

What Yahweh had done in this comparison of the two chapters is a central idea that runs through the book of Joshua. Disobedience stirs His anger and incurs His judgement, however, obedience guarantees success. Additionally, what Yahweh had done in Chapter 8 is evidence of His grace, pardon, and forgiveness. There is no God like Him, who repeatedly shows mercy and is willing to give His people a way out, even if they disobeyed Him. There is no God like Him, who gives blessings to His people, and who forgives and shows grace.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for Your grace, Your mercy, Your pardon, and Your forgiveness. Indeed, there is no God like You, and no one like You, who forgives despite our disobedience and who extends grace to us. Thank you! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.