15/10/2023, SundayJoshua 7

The Web of Sin

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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The male black widow spider is careful to crawl toward the female spider. He would stop occasionally to strum on the threads of the web as if playing a love song to her, telling her that he was coming. The constant rhythm of strumming calms the blind but deadly female spider so she would not mistake him for dinner. After mating, in his exhaustion, he would stumble to leave and forget to strum on the thread thus triggering the female’s hunting instinct to rush and devour him. This is why she is known as the black widow spider.

Sin is deadly and like the illustration above. After you have enjoyed its pleasure, it will turn around to devour you just as it destroyed thirty-six men with Achan and his family. In verses 1-5,the anger of the Lord burned against the people of Israel because of their sin. He had explicitly told them not to take the devoted items of war, but Achan did not obey the Lord (Jos. 6:18-19). Sin defiles the people of God and destroyed the lives of many. If we think that our sin does not affect others, think again! It affects others especially those who are close to us.

In verses 6-9, Achan’s sin affected Joshua that he “blamed” God for their defeat at Ai just as the Israelites asked, Alas, O Lord God, why have you brought this people over the Jordan at all, to give us into the hands of the Amorites, to destroy us? (v. 7). Our sin can affect our leaders and our brothers and sisters in the church too. So, we must be careful not to sin with our words and actions as we may harm or hurt them.

Joshua must also take responsibility for their defeat of Ai. He listened to his men instead of God (vv. 2-3). The people told him not to weary the people as they only needed a few men to take down the city of Ai. Ai was 1700 feet above sea level while Jericho was 800 feet below sea level, The difference was 2,500 feet. However, there was a fifteen-mile march upward. So, Joshua took their advice as it sounded good and practical.

This is how we often make our decisions too, based on practicality and convenience. God was clear in telling Joshua to do as He commands, and he will succeed! But he listened to men instead of God just like we like to do. When someone says something, we will fluster and try to do as they say to please them.

In verses 10-26, sin must be dealt with (vv. 10-13). God told them to destroy the defiled items along with the thieves (v. 15). Thus, Achan and his family were stoned and burnt with these things (vv. 25-26). It seems harsh, but God being just and holy must not break His law. He had to send His Son to die for our sins to meet the requirements of the law. It shows how seriously God viewed sin. We must not take sin lightly but repent of it and receive Christ’s forgiveness for our sins. After confessing our sins, we must consecrate ourselves for God to use.!

But first, we must disentangle ourselves from our sins before we are caught in its web, and be devoured by it!

Reflective Prayer: Father, forgive me for my sins! By faith, I receive the forgiveness of sin from the Lord Jesus Christ and consecrate myself for Him to use in His body!

Great Job!You're right on track.