14/10/2023, SaturdayJoshua 6

The Power of God

Bro. Mandino Tan Chun Tze

Passage of the day

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Right after Joshua met the Commander of the Lord's army in Joshua 5: 13-15. The Lord said to Joshua that he had given Jericho into his hands. Thereafter, they followed the Lord's command of marching around the city once a day for six days, with seven priests carrying trumpets leading the way, all while carrying the ark of the covenant. On the seventh day, they marched around the city seven times. When the priests blew their trumpets, the walls of Jericho collapsed and everyone in the city were burned and destroyed. However, along the great and mighty wall of Jericho, only one small part of the wall remained, where Rahab and her family stayed. 

It is quite clear that it was God who did all the work in tearing down the walls of Jericho. God is Holy, so much so that when Joshua met the Commander of the Lord's army, He told Joshua to take off his sandals because he was stepping on holy ground. When the Israelites marched around Jericho, the ark of the covenant of the Lord was with them. It was God who then melted the walls of Jericho. The Lord God is holy and powerful, and keeps His promises to the Israelites, giving Jericho to them.

The promise of redemption: God will save those who turn away from sin. Even Rahab, a prostitute, recognises that our Lord God is the one true God. She chose to turn away from sin and follow him. 

More often than not, we tend to be fearful and be emotionally charged when we face tough challenges or "walls" that seem overwhelming to overcome. And to be fair, we have every right to do so. However, let’s put ourselves into Rahab’s shoes and see who she chooses to fear, like she did in Joshua 2: 8-14. Fearing the wicked people in Jericho or being in awe of God. We all know that she chose to be in awe of our powerful God, helping out the Israelite spies.

When we apply this to our lives, however, the point is not that God would definitely help us get that next job promotion, BTO ballot, or COE at a cheaper price. 

Instead, what we should reflect on is whether the challenges we face, such as job promotion, BTO ballot or COE price, is really a big deal when we compare them to our God, a victorious God who melts away evil and wicked kingdoms. That God has already won the great victory for us, redeeming us from sin and eternal death.

Let us take a step back and reread Joshua 6. Notice how much effort the Israelites took to bring down the walls of Jericho and compared it to what God has done. The truth is, all the Isarelites did was to obey God. Take a moment, reflect and thank God on how Jesus has died for us, melting down the only “wall” that is most important in our lives. The “wall” that was dividing Man and God.

Prayer: The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, the Land, Sea and Skies. Thank you for dying on the cross for us, bring down the wall between us. Help us to expand our vision of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fill us with confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ. Shelter us under the might and power of Jesus. That we may find mercy and goodness. In His name. Amen. 

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