13/10/2023, FridayJoshua 5

Trust & Obey

Dn. Lin Yan Xing

Passage of the day

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Joshua 5 begins with a record of hope and peace. In Joshua 2, we first read of the dispirited kings whose hearts melted away upon hearing of God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt. In Joshua 5, it was the second account of hearts melting because of the mighty hand of God at work by drying up the waters of the Jordan till the Israelites had crossed over.

Two major events were recorded in this chapter, circumcision and Passover. In a foreign land where the Israelites were susceptible to attacks by the surrounding kingdoms, why did the Lord instruct Joshua to circumcise the males at this time? Circumcision is extremely painful, rendering those who had undergone the act physically weak and restrictive in their movements. Secondly, why did Joshua and all of Israel observe the Passover?

The author sets the stage, in hopes to draw our attention to the sovereign and mighty hand of God. The Lord, Yahweh, He is in control. He is the “Great I am, the one who loves freely”.

God first instructed observance of circumcision to Abraham as an everlasting covenant, that Yahweh, he will be God to Abraham and to all his descendants. God promised that the land of Canaan will be given to his offsprings and the generations to come. The idea of circumcision does not purely entail a physical act, rather, it extends to the spiritual inward being responsive through obedience and keeping the statutes and commandments of the Lord. Disobedience was the reason why the Israelites had to endure 40 years of wilderness. With their obedience and repentance in Joshua's time, God rolled away the reproach of Egypt, the shame which came from slavery and to once again be God’s beloved.

God loves His creation and hears our cries. God delivered the Israelites from the stiff-necked Pharaoh. The significance of the Passover, shows God’s judgment, righteousness and His deliverance. By observing this, the Israelites remember God’s work of deliverance. Now they were to exercise their trust in the Lord, as the manna had ceased the day after the Passover. They needed to trust that the Lord will be their provider.

Throughout life, we are never able to escape sin. However, our comfort is in our God who is above all. Just as God promised Abraham, Moses and Joshua that He will be their God, likewise, as children of God, we inherit the promise given to them. Thus, God’s command to Joshua is also for us, to be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Abraham, Moses and Joshua obeyed the Lord’s instructions readily. Which comes first, trust or obedience? In my reflection, the fundamental question is “Do we know who our God is?” How can we reject or deny God? From the events we see His presence and the fulfillment of His covenant to His people.

Trust and obedience should not be seen in isolation. A person who truly trusts cannot walk in disobedience, vice versa. Trust and obedience are the fruits of our knowledge of who God is. He decides our paths and makes them straight. Whether it is education, national service, friendships, relationships, dating, marriages, career, health and even church ministry!

God was ever present through the many generations by revealing himself through various miracles and signs. And so, He is and will be ever present in our lives. Can we trust that His ways are higher than ours? Can we obey when He calls knowing the intent of our master?

Prayer : Dear Lord, You transcend time and space. You created us to be in your image, may it be our prayer and commitment to know You deeper each day. As we draw closer, may You expand our capacity to consecrate ourselves to live a life of obedience and submission to the will of the Father. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.