02/11/2023, ThursdayJudges 1

Beware of Becoming Corrupted!

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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After Joshua’s death, there was a vacuum in godly leadership in Israel. It was at such a time that judges came forth to lead out of expediency. The Israelites continued to consult God before going to war. As they obeyed His leading, He continued to give them victory over their enemies, but they failed to fully get rid of the inhabitants in the land they conquered. The book recorded the time of a new generation that did what was right in their own eyes. The practice of idolatry and intermarriages with pagans continued as Israel failed to rid the inhabitants of the land.

In verses 11-13, Caleb made an offer to give his daughter, Achsah to any man in marriage if he could capture Kiriath Sepher. Othniel took up the offer and captured the city, and Achsah was given to him as his wife. She asked Othniel to ask Caleb for a field and springs of water, but he did not so she took the initiative to ask her father in verses 14-15. Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs including the land.

This is the first example of “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” In those days, women were supposed to submit to their husbands. Although it is argued that it was a cultural practice back then, it has a theological basis as God created the woman to help the man. That is, to help him to do the will of God and not her desires. Caleb was a godly man of faith, but Achsah wasn’t as she trusted herself more than God. Therefore, godly people do not necessarily raise godly children as each child has a mind of his own; and is easily influenced by others.

The second example was the failure of the tribes to get rid of the inhabitants of the land they conquered. Instead, they allowed them to live among them and forced them to serve them as their slaves. At least six of the tribes did this (verses 21-36). Thus, they not only did what was right in their own eyes, but they also disobeyed God in not getting rid of the inhabitants in the land as God commanded. God wanted them to do so because He did not want them to corrupt their worship of Him with the worship of the pagan gods. He also did not want them to intermarry with the daughters of the pagans they conquered.

There are several lessons we can draw from the first chapter of the Book of Judges.1) Godly men can fail to obey God’s command. This can lead to them turning away from God. 2) In the vacuum of godly leaders, there were judges like Othniel, who failed to lead his wife, allowing her to do what was right in her own eyes instead of what God intended for the women to help their husbands to do His will. 3) The Israelites did the same thing that Pharaoh did to them and turned the people they conquered into slaves to serve them. Not knowing that they would become “slaves” to their gods.

As God blessed Israel with success as a nation, the Israelites were also tempted by money, sex, and power. As they succumbed to the temptations, they turned away from God which led to their downfall. These same three sins have brought down many people as well. I pray that we are not one of the victims of these three temptations. Let us be careful not to fall prey to them.

Reflective Prayer: Lord, protect me from these temptations that I may not turn away from you or ruin my faith and my life as well. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.