13/11/2023, MondayJudges 12

Pride and Anger

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

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On October 21, 2023, a group of cyclists engaged in a conflict with a taxi driver on Middle Road. The taxi abruptly stopped, nearly causing a collision with the cyclists. This led to a heated argument involving offensive language, prompting a call to the police. The entire incident was captured on video, showing a cyclist's bike falling over during the altercation.

Prior to the confrontation with the taxi driver, another video depicted the same group of cyclists in a dispute with a different car driver. In this instance, the car driver honked at the cyclists while they were riding in the middle of the road, which goes against the rules established by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) for cyclists.

In the biblical account of Judges 12, a minor issue turned into a major conflict, drawing parallels to the contemporary situation. Although Jephthah explained that he sought help from the Ephraimites in the battle against the Ammonites, they responded with anger and hostility. The Ephraimites not only rejected his explanation but escalated the conflict. They issued threats to burn the Gilead alive (Judges 12:1). Regrettably, Jephthah’s vengeance on the Ephraimites was equally regrettable, resulting in a massive loss of life among the Ephraimites.

These events on October 21 and the situation in Judges 12 are compelling examples of the dangers of pride and negative emotions fuelling unnecessary conflict. They underscore the destructive nature of petty disputes that can damage communities, including churches, when disagreements escalate into fights driven by pride and anger, ultimately causing division and harm.

Prayer: Dear Father, We pray for the strength to overcome pride and anger, replacing them with peace and understanding. Guide us in our journey to unity and reconciliation. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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