14/11/2023, TuesdayJudges 13

An Insignificant Lady with Significant Faith

Bro. Lim Kang

Passage of the day

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Again, we see Israel falling back into the same pattern of sin and in dire need of salvation. And God raises yet another judge to save them, in the form of Samson. For most who grew up in church hearing bible stories, we are familiar with Samson. But today, I would like to focus on a character much overlooked, whose name is not even mentioned in the Bible… A character known as Manoah’s wife and Samson’s mother.

The chapter starts off introducing Manoah’s wife as a childless lady who was visited by an angel of the Lord, drawing parallels with the birth of Jesus. Manoah’s wife was a woman of great faith, evidently so from the way she responded to God’s calling.

Manoah’s wife recognized the angel who spoke to her as ‘a man of God’ and was obedient to his instructions. She followed his words in verse 4 which described a Nazarite vow, setting herself apart and devoting herself wholly to the Lord. When Manoah started to worry about being ‘doomed to die’ after seeing God in verse 22, she reassured him of God’s provision and plans for them. And through it all, unlike Manoah, she never once questioned the angel and doubted what God had called her and Manoah to do. It was amazing to see how much Manoah’s wife knew God, and the amount of faith she had in Him.

The story of Manoah’s wife reminded me of my faith journey when it comes to leadership positions in ministry work. Over the years growing up in TRBC, I am blessed to have been given many opportunities to serve God in various leadership capacities, be it in fellowship groups, church wide events and even on mission trips. I have never been one to picture myself as a leader. I was neither charismatic, nor do I enjoy speaking in front of groups of people to inspire them. Qualities one would usually seek for in a leader. Ask my family and they will tell you all about my fear of public speaking! However, time and time again I would find myself in such capacities. Though it was challenging for me, I came to recognize that God had intentionally called me into such positions to build me up, and to teach me to lean on Him. I allowed myself to be set aside for His use, learning to be sensitive to His plans for me and trusting in His provisions every step of the way. Today, I would not dare say that I have gotten over my fears. But it is in my weaknesses that I continue to see God working in me everyday.

My dear brothers and sisters, how well do we know God? Do we know what God’s plans for us are? And do we dare to take that first step of faith in journeying with Him? It is only when we forge a close relationship with God, that we can begin to understand His good plans for us, His plans to prosper us. And how wonderful it can be, to know that God is very much real and present in our lives.

Prayer : Dear heavenly Father, we know how much you love us and how much you care for us. Help us Lord to set ourselves apart for you, to keep our hearts soft and ready to be molded by you. Give us the courage to seek you and to respond in obedience to Your will for us, that we may enjoy the goodness and greatness that You bring in our lives. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen

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