08/11/2023, WednesdayJudges 7

The Fear of God

Bro. Mandino Tan Chun Tze

Passage of the day

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In Judges 7, Gideon, whom God chose, is preparing to battle against the Midianites. However, God instructed Gideon to reduce the size of his army, which consisted of 32,000 men, to 300 warriors. This is because God wanted to demonstrate His power and ensure that the victory would be attributed to Him alone and not by Man’s work. Even though the number of Midianites, the Amalekites and all of the East were so many that they looked like locusts, Gideon launched a surprise attack on the Midianites in the middle of the night with just 300 men. It concluded with the Israelites chasing after them beyond the Jordan River and capturing two princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb. 

We often focus on the 300 men Gideon took to fight the Midianites and just do not give credit to God, as we should. 

But if we take a step back and realise how fearful the Israelites were, we might have a different perspective. 22,000 Israelites were fearful and trembling (verse 3). More than two-thirds of the entire fighting force retreated just like that. Even Gideon was afraid after God promised him four to five times that he would give the Midianites into their hands (see chapter 6:27, 7:10-11). 

The last time I wrote a devotion was in Joshua 6 when God destroyed the walls of Jericho, showing his power and might. That God fulfils his promises whenever he makes a promise. Maybe we humans have short-term memory remembering God’s mighty power, or maybe we are incapable of comprehending God's awe, glory and might. Let us take this time to learn how to fear God. Trust in him because he is powerful, worship because he is majestic, and humble ourselves because he is wise, powerful and almighty. 

In Singapore, we respect the authorities a lot. I’m sure when most of us were kids, there were our parents would threaten us that they’d call the authorities (police) on us if we didn’t listen to them. But now that we’re older, wiser and try to make friends with people who have authority (Member of Parliament). We trust authorities (police) because they bring justice, and admire those who are Members of Parliament (MP) because they can help us with our needs. 

Now imagine you’re in need of help and you’ve got the Chief of Police or a MP as your friends, they are on your side to tackle your problems. Wouldn’t you feel more confident? 

Likewise, do you feel more confident knowing that God is on your side? 

Do you fear God? 

Take a moment to reread Judges 6-7 again. See how fearful Gideon and the Israelites are. Notice how at the same time, God is also teaching them how to be humble. Observe Gideon’s first reaction when he finally realises the power of our Holy God. 

Prayer : Lord, open our eyes, ears and hearts to know you better, to see your glory and wonders. Enable us to read and understand your words better. Speak to us through your word Lord. Help us live our your word in our daily lives. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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