07/11/2023, TuesdayJudges 6

God will guide His chosen

Dn. Lin Yan Xing

Passage of the day

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Do you wrestle with such thoughts? Thoughts like “What can I do for the Lord?”, “Am I able to achieve great things for God? I’m a mere student, ordinary salaryman, a humble housewife, a senior.”, “Do my prayers really reach God and does He answer them?”. The account in Judges 6 takes readers on a journey to discover the answers within ourselves. May this passage bring us comfort, hope and confidence.

After the deliverance and peace the land had for 40 years, the downward spiral of sin began again. God gave the Israelities to the oppression of the Midianites, having their livestock and harvest plundered, leaving the Israelites impoverished. The Midianites were described as an innumerable mob overwhelming the land. In the Israelites’ distress, they cried out to the Lord.

Before appointing a judge, a prophet was sent to remind them of their sins and of God’s mighty deeds towards their forefathers and their covenant with God to not worship any foreign Gods. This message to the Israelites sets the stage for the appointment of Gideon.

Gideon’s calling follows a pattern that is always found in God’s chosen change agents!

God’s call’ (v11-12) >

Faith journey’ (v13-23) >

Acceptance of God’s call’ (v24) >

‘Obedience towards God’s leading and commands’ (v25-27) >

God’s deliverance (protection and provision)’ (v28-35).

Do not be mistaken that this pattern only happens once! From the record of Gideon we can see this pattern occurring multiple times in one person alone. 

Recall the thoughts which we may struggle with at the start of this devotional. Do we see similarities between Gideon’s conversation with God and our relationship with Him? Our inner struggles as God’s created beings reflect the climate of our heart that is often clouded by sin and fear. As seen in previous chapters of Judges, God can choose anyone to do His deliverance work, only if we fully trust Him and obey.

Like what the apostle Paul has said in 1 Cor 1: 26-31 - God does not choose those that are wise, noble, influential and strong, lest we boast in our own strength and accomplishments, but the humble and unlikely person. In that case, we can all be God’s change agents in this pilgrimage towards sanctification. Our Lord is the Lord over the heavens and earth, we are more than conquerors. For if God is for us, who can be against us? None can charge those whom God has chosen for it is God who justifies. 

Dear brothers and sisters, just as Gideon trusted God and overlooked his underdog status,can we too remove the excuses we set up for ourselves (I am too young, too old, not capable, having no talent and gifting, busy schedules, etc). None of us who have been saved are too insignificant to be used by God for His Glory and might! 

Prayer: Dear Lord, You have journeyed with your creation since the beginning of time and we ask of You, Lord, do not turn your face away from your children. As scripture records, you are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Give us a heart that is tender and a spirit that is willing. Consecrate our lives that we may truly be the light and salt to this world, bringing glory unto your name. As we abide in you and you in us, we hope to bear fruit. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

Great Job!You're right on track.