20/05/2023, SaturdayLeviticus 18

Unlawful Sexual Relations

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 18


When the LORD gave the commandments to Israel in this chapter, they were at a crucial turning point in their journey. The LORD their God had brought them out of the heathen nation of Egypt and about to bring them into the heathen land of Canaan (v. 3) which would eventually become the Promised Land.

Therefore, he gave them the warning not to be like the heathens but to be a nation set aside for him. They were tofollow his rules and keep his statutes and walk in them (v. 4) because he is the LORD their God.

Verses 6-23 elaborate for us the rules and statues that the Lord instituted. These commandments concern the question of their relationship with God in the area of their moral behaviour. Specifically, they are warnings against improper and unacceptable sexual relationships.

God is not a “kill joy” God. He created love and sex, and love has its rightful place and fulfilment in one’s spouse. This chapter addresses every unlawful sexual relationship of a man with a woman, other than his wife. It also tells us of the perverted practices of child sacrifice to a foreign god, homosexual behaviour and bestiality. In practising these unacceptable behaviours, the result is depravity (v.17), uncleanness (v. 20), profanity (v. 21), abomination (v. 22), and perversion (v. 23).

God warned the Israelites that he had driven the nations out of the land and God punished them because of their sins and uncleanness. The land was affected and made unclean; it eventually vomited them out. (vv. 24-25) Our sins not only affected our relationship with God, but they have a ripple effect upon those around us, including those whom we have violated through sexual sins, the land and house that we live in, and even our own body.

Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians that every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sin of immorality is committed against one’s own body. (1 Cor. 6:18) And I think this is why God takes the sin of adultery so seriously. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and so let us glorify God in our body (1 Cor. 6:19-20) by not profaning it with uncleanness or unlawful sexual sins. May God have mercy on us, cleanse us from our sins and clean out the trash from our lives.

This chapter also gives us the warning not to offer our children to Molech. (v. 21) Why is this verse on idolatry (offering of one’s children to Molech) tucked in the middle of a chapter on unlawful sexual relationships? Well, Molech (2 Kings 23:10; Jeremiah 32:35; Acts 7: 43) was a Canaanite fertility god where the Israelites, during times of apostasy, offer their children as burnt offerings through fire. It is God, not Molech who gives vitality and fertility to a person. Therefore, in doing this, the people profaned God’s name. (v. 21)

How does a person, whether an Old Testament saint of New Testament believer live a life that is pleasing to the Lord? The standard is the same, that is, to acknowledge God as the LORD of our lives. In this chapter it is through our acceptable moral behaviour. God reminded the Israelites of who he was. The terms, “I am the LORD” and “I am the LORD your God” occurs in many verses: 2, 4, 5, 6, 21 & 30.

As New Testament Christians, we are saved from our sins and warned against returning to commit any kind of sin. Instead, we are to allow the Holy Spirit to fill, empower and help us overcome temptations and not sin against God, but to live a life that befits our calling as children of God. Do we acknowledge Christ as Lord in every aspect of our life, including our sexuality?

Prayer : Dear Holy God of purity and righteousness, I pray that you will search my heart and see if there be any sin, lust or wicked way in me, and forgive any unrighteousness in me. Holy Spirit, teach me your way and help me walk in the way everlasting, and even here and now, may I live faithfully unto you all the days of my life, through Christ Jesus my Lord. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.