22/05/2023, MondayLeviticus 20

Single minded, wholehearted

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 20


There are two main segments in this chapter, sins against religion and sins against family. Most of the subjects dealt with in this chapter has already been discussed earlier in chapter 18 and 19. The two segments both ended to exhort Israel to be holy because the Lord is holy. The difference between those which were previously mentioned and those in this chapter is that previous chapters forbids or command certain types of behaviour but they rarely indicate what the consequences of disregarding these rules would be. In contrast, this chapter states what must be done should one of the rules be broken. They set out what will befall a law breaker in such a case.

Sins against religion included Molech worship, which was discussed in 18:21. Any of the people who give their children to the worship of Molech was to be stone to death. On top of that, they will be cut off from among the people of God. This threat seems to be additional to the judicial execution prescribed in verse 2, which suggest that cutting off may involve more than premature death. Those who were infidel to Yahweh and seek other forms of divine help, (like mediums and necromancers) apart from the one true God will be cut off from Him. Yahweh commanded them that they should have no other God apart from Him. Their eyes are only meant to be fixed on Him and there shall be no slightest deviation from His presence.

Sins against family included different sexual relationships that were not condoned by God and is subjected to death penalty. This included adultery, incest with close relatives, homosexuality and bestiality. Other sins had no human penalty laid down, but instead divine punishment is promised. Cohabitation with a sister, intercourse with a woman during her menstrual period are punished by cutting off. Childlessness will result from cohabitation with an aunt by marriage or sister-in-law.

God has chosen Israel to be his holy people, and this group is about to enter into Canaan, a land where polygamy was common, and sexual promiscuity was rampant. God calls His people to be set apart from the mainstream culture of its time and to upkeep purity in sexual relationship within marriage. Sex is to be enjoyed between one man and one woman, in the boundary of marriage. In a culture where polygamy and promiscuity were common and popular, The people of Israel were called to remain fidel and loyal to one partner.

In the same way, it reflects God’s heart for Israel to be loyal and dedicated to the God they worship. Just like in a marriage, the people’s eyes are only meant to be fixed on Him and there shall be no slightest deviation from His presence.

Dear brothers and sisters, this is the heart of Christ for us too, that we can love God with all our heart, mind, strength and will. That we might be single minded and whole hearted in our dedication towards God. We respond in obedience because we trust that our loving God has a perfect and good plan for us. We respond in love because Christ first love us unconditionally. Just like the sermon we heard yesterday, it is difficult to love fully. To love God fully, to love our neighbours fully. However, we can do it as we abide in Him more and more. Come to the source of grace, love and strength, come to the fountain of grace and be filled, then we are able to love and love beyond our imaginations.

Prayer : God, help us to learn to remain single minded and whole hearted to you, more and more each day. Would you give us grace to come to abide in you, so that we can draw strength daily to love you and people around us. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.