23/05/2023, TuesdayLeviticus 21

The Holy Priesthood

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 21


Leviticus 21 is God’s instruction for priests not to defile themselves in any way because they are set apart to serve the Lord in making offerings to Him on behalf of the people. In verses 1-9, there are three things the priest must not do to defile themselves. First, the priests must not touch or have contact with the dead (verses 1-4). Second, they must “not make bald patches on their heads, on their heads, nor shave off the edges of their beards, nor make any cuts on their body” (verses 5-6). Third, they must “not marry a prostitute or a woman who has been defiled, neither shall they marry a woman divorced from her husband” (verses 7-9).

The chief priest is anointed to serve the Lord and consecrated to wear the priestly garment. He must “not let the hair of his head hang loose nor tear his clothes” (verse 10). He must not defile himself by going near any dead bodies and then go into the sanctuary to defile them (verses 11-12). He can only marry a virgin and not a widow, a divorcee, a defiled woman, or a prostitute or children born to him will be defiled (verses 13-15).

In verses 16-21, God told Moses to let Aaron know that no offspring of the high priest with any blemish can serve as a priest. This includes those being blind, lame, mutilation on their face, or with a limb that is too long. As well as those injured in the foot or hand, hunchback, a dwarf or defect in his sight, or itching disease or scabs or crushed testicles.

According to verses 22-23, he may eat the bread of God, but he cannot go through the veil or approach the altar because of his blemish so that he might not defile the holy sanctuaries as He is the Lord who sanctifies them. Moses told all these things to Aaron and his sons, and all the people of the high standard placed on the priests to be holy.

In Leviticus 19–20, the Lord emphasizes the holiness of the priests. The Hebrew word for “holy” is “qadash.” It means to be sanctified, consecrated, and dedicated or to be separated from the world and worldliness for the Lord. God told Moses to consecrate the priests before the people and dedicate or separate them to serve Him.

In Leviticus 21, God told Moses to tell the priests not to be defiled physically. They must not touch any dead bodies that may defile them or marry any immoral women who have been defiled. The reason was as priests they were to be set apart to serve the Lord to make offerings on behalf of the people to Him.

Peter in 1 Peter 2:4-5 said that as believers we have been given the priesthood of all believers. Thus, we are “priests” too. Christ has torn the curtain that divided us from God’s presence, we now have access to God directly as an individual without needing the priests of the Old Testament to represent us. As “priests,” we have access to God directly having been given the office of “priesthood of all believers.” Thus, we must also not be defiled but be holy and blameless as God is a holy God. We must be holy for He is holy!

Prayer: Dear Lord, I must be holy because I have the holy priesthood of all believers, and I serve a holy God. Thank you that I now can have access to you directly without the Old Testament priesthood of the requirements of the Leviticus law. As believers, we have been set free by Jesus and set apart by Him to live holy lives. In Christ and through Christ, we can worship our holy God freely without hindrance or fear. Therefore, each Sunday as I gather with my fellow “priests” to worship You freely without fear or hindrance. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.