29/05/2023, MondayLeviticus 26

Reward and Discipline

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 26


This chapter is divided into two sections with two clear themes: Reward for obedience (vv. 1-13), and Discipline for disobedience (vv. 14-39). It ends with a hope of God’s promise to remember his people, provided they are willing to humble themselves, confess their sins and make amends to their ways. We don’t just confess our sins and expect God to forgive us when we continue to live in sin and walk in ways that are contrary to God’s Word. We need to repent and make an about-turn from our wrong ways towards the right ways of God. And this is what God promised:

42 then I will remember my covenant with Jacob, and I will remember my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham, and I will remember the land.

God is so merciful that even when we are unfaithful and disobedient, and we fail to keep our side of his covenant time and again, he would still be faithful towards us – because he is the Lord our God (vv. 44-45). However, let us not presume upon God’s lovingkindness. Instead, let’s be even more careful and faithful in obeying his commandments and following his ways.

Verses 2, 34-35 and 43 have something in common: Keeping the Sabbath is very important in the sight of God. He wants his people to keep the Sabbath. But even if they refused and failed to keep the Sabbath, God would not allow the land to suffer. The land itself, when it is left desolate shall enjoy its Sabbaths!

Have we been neglecting to keep God’s Sabbath for a day of rest for ourselves, for our bodies and also for the land to recuperate? Because of the greed of man to scale up production and earn more, they over-planted the field, and over-fish from the ocean, and over-mined the land of minerals so that they are stripped bare. May God have mercy on us! Let us be the first ones to set the example of good Christians who value creation care.

God is not a god who is the happy taskmaster or disciplinarian who goes around with a thick and heavy cane. Like a father to his son, when he punishes us, it is for our good. The word discipline appears several times (vv. 18, 23 and 28). It reminds me of the teaching in the Book of Hebrews, that he disciplines whom he loves. (Hebrews 12:4-11)

Prayer : Dear kind, faithful and merciful God, you are our God and we are your people. Help us to humble ourselves before you, and acknowledge our sins, failures and incompetencies. Give us the desire and strength to obey your commandments so that we might be healed and experience your true blessings and prosperity. And when we go astray from you, lead us back to yourself, and show us the way that we might amend our ways and walk in your paths. May we honour you as the Lord and God of our lives and be your people indeed. In Christ’s name. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.