28/05/2023, SundayLeviticus 25

A Second Chance

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 25


In verses 1-7, God told Moses to institute the Sabbath Year. For six years they were to sow the land and prune the vines. In the seventh year, they were to stop sowing or pruning. Also, anything growing from the ground or vines was not to be reaped during the Sabbath Year. But God will provide enough crops in the sixth year for the next three years (verse 21).

These instructions must be kept during the Year of the Jubilee. In verses 9-12, at the end of forty-nine years, on the Day of Atonement, the fiftieth year is consecrated as the year to proclaim liberty throughout all the land. There will be no sowing and reaping as it is holy. They will eat the produce of the land provided by God in the sixth year. In verses 13-22 are instructions for returning property. Everyone is to return to his property during the jubilee. If anyone had sold or bought someone’s property, he must pay a pro-rata rate for the number of years left after the jubilee because the sale is not for the land but the number of crops it produces. Do not take advantage of others for those who fear God. Obey His instructions if we wish to live safely and enjoy the fruits of the land. He promised them in the sixth year the land will produce three years of crops to sustain them until the next harvest in the ninth year.

Verses 23-28 are the instructions for the redemption of property. All land sold must be able to be redeemed (no freehold land) because they belong to God who gave them to you. If in poverty, a brother sells part of his property, his nearest kin can redeem it. If he is able, he can redeem it from him. The price will be based on the number of years it was sold and the balance was to be paid to the buyer and his property will be returned to him. If he cannot pay, the buyer will hold it until the year of Jubilee and return it to him.

Verses 29-34 are instructions for the redemption of houses in a walled city and standalone houses. The sale of a house in a walled city can be redeemed within a year of the sale. If not redeemed within the year, it cannot be redeemed but will belong to the buyer forever; and it will not be returned in the jubilee. Standalone houses are redeemable and will be returned to the owner in the jubilee. Cities belonging to the Levites are redeemable but only released in the jubilee as they are under the Levites’ possession among them. The fields of pastureland of the Levites cannot be sold because they are their possessions.

Verses 35-46 are instructions to show kindness to the poor. If a brother cannot support himself, he must be supported and allowed to live with you like showing hospitality to foreigners. Do not charge anything because God gave you the land. Do not lend money at interest or feed him for a profit. If a brother sells himself as a slave to you, treat him as a hired worker or as a sojourner. He will serve you until the jubilee then let him and his family go back home. They are God’s servants He brought out of Egypt and cannot be sold or treated as slaves. They can buy slaves from the nations around them, and slaves born in their midst. Slaves can be given to their sons as they are their property. But the Jews cannot be slaves.

In verses 47-55 are the instructions to redeem a brother sold to a rich foreigner. His brother, uncle, cousin, or close relative can redeem him or redeem himself. The price will be calculated from the year he was sold until the jubilee. It may vary from the number of years to be paid pro-rata to the sale price. He is considered a hired worker. If it is only a few years left to the jubilee, he will pay proportionately to his years of service. He is treated as hired worker year by year and they must not be ruthless to him. If he is not redeemed, his children will be released in the jubilee. The Israelites are God’s servants brought out of Egypt.

The Sabbath Year is like God’s instruction for Adam to care for His creation (verses 1-8). The Year of the Jubilee is obeying the call to love God and one another and not the things He blessed us with (verses 9-55). Things can become our focus or idols, and the result is we will use one another instead of loving or helping them. The jubilee was to prevent the Jews from being controlled by these things of the world or using them to control others.

In our world today, capitalism has caused us to abuse creation and love ourselves more than others. The call is for us to care for nature and not abuse it. It is to call us to love our neighbors and not to use them for our selfish purposes and pursuits as wealth and possession can become more important than loving and respecting God and our fellowmen. It caused us to use them instead of care for them especially those who are unable to care for themselves.

The Year of the Jubilee is like a reset button for the Jews to alleviate the down and out so that they can have a second chance. God has given us a second chance in Christ Jesus too. Let us use this second chance to love Him and His creation, especially one another even though we do not practice the jubilee today. Remember, our rewards are in Heaven and not on earth.

Prayer: As God has given us a second chance in Christ, my prayer is that we will give others a second chance if they have hurt or harmed us in any way.

Great Job!You're right on track.