01/01/2025, WednesdayNehemiah 1

What brings you to your knees?

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch1


Nehemiah stayed in Susa, the capital city of the Persians, and he lived in the citadel, a fortified palace of the Persians, and he was the cupbearer to the king. From this brief introduction to him, we know that Nehemiah is someone important. Being so far away from Jerusalem, in distance and in time, we might not have expected his burden for the Jews. Yet Nehemiah heard about the condition of Jerusalem’s wall, and his heart was so burdened that he wept and mourned for days.

Now a city without walls was a city with no defense, and vulnerable to its enemies. No wonder the people were in great trouble and shame. But more than just a physical protection, the great trouble that these people were in were a reflection of their relationship with God. They have sinned against God and disobeyed God (verses 6-7).

Nehemiah was burdened and brokenhearted, but he did not start to solve the problem. Instead, he immediately fasted and prayed before God, seeking God for His forgiveness of their sins, and for God’s direction in this situation. Nehemiah understood that the outward symptoms are reflective of the inward condition of the people. Nehemiah understood that without God’s intervention, any action will not come to pass. Nehemiah understood that success can only come through God. 

What brings us to our knees like Nehemiah did? For those of us who have sinned, and had disobeyed God, would you confess your sin before the Lord? Know that He is faithful and just, and know that when we return to Him, He will forgive us of our sins. For those of us who has a concern or a burden, or a problem to be resolved, would you bring it to God in prayers? Know that God is a great and awesome God who loves you and will bring you through when you depend on Him. What a privilege it is to know that even as we pray, that Jesus Christ is our great High Priest who intercedes for us and who helps us. Would you go to your knees in prayers for everything that is happening in your life today?

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for forgiving me of my sins, thank you for being my rock, foundation, and shelter. Thank you, also, that You will guide me through my life circumstances as I surrender them to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.