Last 5 Days
Revival through God’s Word
Click here to read Ch8
This chapter unfolds a critical and significant problem that Nehemiah and the Jews address after they have repaired the burned gates and rebuilt the broken walls of Jerusalem. At the surface level, the return to their home city appears to be a physical rebuilding of their ruined city. But the ultimate mission is a return to God from their sins of disobedience committed under the monarchy rule which led to their downfall and exile. Therefore, chapter 8 and the subsequent chapters are heart stirring accounts of how the Israelites recall their iniquities and repent from these sins. And this chapter teaches us that it is only through the Word of God that spiritual revival can take place.
Interestingly, chapter 8 can be divided into two sections. First, v1-12 narrates the first day how the entire community listens and responds to the Law of Moses that is read by Ezra the scribe and second, v13-18 records the second day how the leaders of the people study and act on the words of the Law.
V3-4 tells us that the people listened attentively from early morning to midday as Ezra reads the scriptures to them. And as the Levites explained to them in v7-8 and when they understood, v9-12 describes how their remorseful hearts led them to break down in tears of repentance as well as tears of joy of gladness. This was really a holy day whereby how the scriptures brought about a revival in the hearts of God’s people.
Next, v13-18 describes how the leaders of the community and the Levites went a step further from merely listening to Ezra but also studying the Law of Moses. In so doing, they then discovered that the people had neglected the Festival of the Booths since the days of Joshua (v17). The Feast of Booths, otherwise known as the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot is the seventh and last feast that God commanded them to observe when they were first in Canaan. As they build and live in booths, it is a significant festival to remember God delivered them from Egypt and led them in the journey to the promised land. During the 8 days of celebration beginning from one Sabbath to the next Sabbath, they were to build and dwell in temporary shelters made of branches of trees to remember God’s goodness and provision during their journey to Canaan. It is noteworthy that the remembrance of God’s faithfulness in the Feast of Booths is an outcome of the spiritual revival of the leaders and the people.
Dear brothers and sisters, how long do we spend time daily in reading and meditating God’s word? It is possible to read the Bible over an extended period of time. But do we intentionally set aside time in either reading or listening to the Word of God? Sometimes, we wish that our spiritual life can be active and vibrant. From the example of Nehemiah and the Jews, let us set aside regular and frequent time this year in God’s Word. And in so doing, we can pray and ask God’s Spirit to create a revival in our individual life and as a Body of Christ.
PRAYER : Dear Jesus, You are the living Word of God. I am thankful that I have in my hand, the written Word of God. I ask You to send a revival in the life of our church that I and my community will have the hunger and thirst for Your Word. And I ask that Your Spirit will also create that holy dissatisfaction in us towards sin. You are our Holy God and You detest sin. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.