06/07/2023, ThursdayNumbers 10

The Lord is our God and Saviour

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 10


The two silver trumpets serve as a means of communication between Moses and the leaders and people of Israel. This is very important as they prepare themselves to break camp and set out from the wilderness of Sinai to the wilderness of Paran.

The priests who blow the trumpet signifies that divine leadership is involved in the nation of Israel during their movements. The trumpets are used for 2 specific purposes: (1) to summon the congregation together, and (2) for breaking of camp, and setting out. (v.2)

The Lord himself is the one who gives instructions for the different meanings of the number of times (once or twice) and the length of the trumpet sound (long blast or an alarm, short sounding. (10:1-7) These different types of sounding are for (a) gathering of the whole congregation of Israel – long blast, v. 3,7 (b) gathering of the leaders only, v. 4 and (c) for the breaking of camp, vv. 5-6.

In order for Moses, Aaron and his sons, the chiefs and the tribes of Israel to move in alignment and harmony, they must all understand clearly the purposes of each of these soundings. Otherwise the whole Israelite congregation and camp will not move in unison, but would be in a disarray.

Proper communication and its practice are important for a nation of so many people to dislocate and relocate in a place. The first time, not everybody might have fully understood what each of the trumpet sounding means. But after some practice, everyone should know and would be able to move in unison and unity.

The Lord emphasized in verse 8b concerning the use of the trumpets for the nation of Israel, The trumpets shall be to you for a perpetual statute throughout your generations.

Besides the above purposes in the use of the trumpets, there are two other uses: (1) sounding an alarm to rally the people whenever they go out to war against their enemies, v. 9, and (2) During times of gladness, at their appointed feasts and celebrations, they are to sound the trumpet over the offerings and sacrifices, v.10.

It is interesting that in verses 9 &10, the sounding of the trumpets is for the people of Israel to call upon the Lord to remember them; to reach out to Him as their Saviour to save from them from their enemies, and also as a reminder for them that He is the LORD their God whom they worship.

Verses 11-28 describe how Israel break camp and set out systematically on their journey from the wilderness of Sinai to the wilderness of Paran. They set out by stages at the command of the Lord through Moses.

Verses 33-36 show that the ark of the LORD went before the people which indicates that the LORD was leading the nation as they set out from Mount Sinai, and as they travelled the cloud of the LORD was over them to protect them. And whenever the ark set out and rested, Moses would recite,

Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you.”

Return, O Lord, to the ten thousand thousands of Israel.(vv. 35-36)

This passage reminds me that God desires to be directly involved in the life of His people. He wants to lead, guide, protect and bless his people in their journey as a people of God. He also wants His leaders to understand His will and communicate them to the people properly and clearly. Today, we might not use the trumpets, but God has given the members of His church different gifts and talents to use them to lead His people to worship him, and to look to Him for protection and victory over the trials and temptations of the world. In all these, He wants us to recognize that He is the Lord our God and He is our Saviour. (vv. 9-10)

Prayer : Dear loving, gracious and holy God, thank you that you caused your tabernacle to be with your people, Israel. You desire to have your dwelling among your people. Thank you that you sent your Son Jesus Christ to reconcile us to yourself. Thank you also that you sent your Holy Spirit into our hearts to sanctify us and make us holy, and to guide and protect us from evil. Thank you that through Jesus, we could live our lives truly as sons and daughters of the Most High God. May we also desire to spend time with you daily in our life, and gather as your church to worship and give the glory due to your Name. Through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.