14/07/2023, FridayNumbers 18

Plentiful in our Lord

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 18


In Chapter 18, we read about how the Levites are given the responsibility for safeguarding the sanctuary – they are solely responsible to bear iniquity connected with the sanctuary and with the priesthood (verse 1). Failure to carry this out could result in death (verse 3).

However, not all is bleak, as the remainder of Numbers 18, from verse 8 onwards, reiterates, and further details, the rewards for the priestly service. Although the priests and other Levites do not have land that belong to them, they receive wages from the Lord, and receives the following items as their perpetual entitlement:

1. Portions of sin offerings, guilt offerings, or grain offerings (verse 9-10)

2. Dedicated portions of gifts (verse 11)

3. Firstfruits offerings of olive oil, new wine, and grain (verses 12-13)

4. Every irrevocably devoted thing (verse 14)

5. The meat of the firstborn of the ceremonially clean animals (verses 15-18)

6. Every portion set aside from holy offerings given by the Israelites (verse 19)

7. The tithes received by the Levites (verses 25-32).

Indeed the Levites had not received and inheritance in the land, nor any portion amongst the Israelites, but the Lord was their inheritance and their portion among the people of Israel (verse 20). The care of the Lord’s sanctuary was then their lasting responsibility. They were not to split their focus between earthly and heavenly responsibilities, but to devote themselves wholly to eternal things.

In the midst of all these regulations, let us not miss out the point that this chapter was an answer to the cry of the Israelites in Numbers 17:12-13, “And the people of Israel said to Moses, “Behold, we perish, we are undone, we are all undone. Everyone who comes near, who comes near to the tabernacle of the Lord, shall die. Are we all to perish?”

Are they all to perish? No, because of the regulations for the priests and the Levites, the people as a whole have a future with Lord. The priests and the Levites will be able to draw near to the tabernacle and not die. And the fact that there will be provision and support for the Levites through all the various offerings and tithes is a promise that one day, Israel will inherit the Promised Land, and will be able to bring forth these offerings. How wonderful to know that our Lord fulfils His promises, and that He provides for us, even through all the seemingly long lists of regulations and “dangerous work”.

Indeed, our Lord has called some, set aside, to serve Him on a full-time basis, to preach His Word and to shepherd His sheep. He will provide generously to His servants, through the faithful giving of His people.

Nonetheless, our Lord’s grace and mercy should be the foundational motivation for giving to our Lord, not regulations. Everything that we have came from our Lord. As people of the New Covenant, we have been redeemed by our Lord Jesus Christ, His blood a far higher price than any amount paid for any other kind of redemption. Moreover, the Lord is not only the inheritance of the priests and Levites but the inheritance of all of those who believe as well. If we understand these truths, then we will be able to give generously to our Lord. In so doing, we are then able to support those whom our Lord had called to serve Him in a full time capacity, have opportunities to meet the needs of the poor, be willing to show generosity to our brothers and sisters, and be able to show hospitality and celebrate fellowship with the Lord’s people in His presence.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your grace and mercy, and for your salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Help me, Lord, to show grace and mercy to people around me, and to give generously, as you have given me unconditionally. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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