22/07/2023, SaturdayNumbers 26

Preparing For The New Generation

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 26


When Israel lived in Shittim, they whored with the Moabite women and indulged in the idolatrous practices of Baal of Peor. God judged them with a plague, and it was stopped when Phinehas speared an Israelite man who brought a Midianite woman into his tent. God rewarded Phinehas’ zealousness by covenanting him with the everlasting priesthood for his descendants. 

Therefore, after the plague was over, God told Moses and Eleazar to take a census of the people from twenty years old and upward who were able to go to war. The total number of people who came out of Egypt according to their father’s house amounted to 601,730 people from verses 4- 51.

God also told Moses to divide the inheritance for the people according to the number of names and according to the size of each tribe. The large tribe will be given a large inheritance and the small tribe, a small inheritance accordingly. But the land was to be divided by lot between the larger and the smaller. 

The census included the Levites according to their clans as well because they were not included with the rest of the people as they did not have any inheritance. The total amount was 23,000. They consisted of every male from a month old and upward. But the generation who were in the wilderness were not listed as they will die in the wilderness except for Caleb and Joshua.

At our 85th Anniversary, we have decided that we will focus on building the church for the next generation. A generation that is only concerned with themselves and their needs, they will not care for the next generation. As we looked at the present state of children and youth, we must admit we have neglected them for a long time. It is only when we are losing them to the world or to other churches that we are awakened to the acuteness of the problem. 

We should not be blaming one generation as it is the lack of preparation by each generation in the last 85 years that we are seeing and feeling a tremendous need to retain the younger generation in the church. So, what must we do in preparing for the new generation before us? We not only must pray but use our resources to enhance the ministry among the different groups of people in the church from this day forth. 

We must be willing to change and spend so that the next generation will continue to walk closely with God and not be lost to the world or other churches. What will you do besides pray for them and for the leadership? Pray that God will raise up workers to disciple the next generation who will then be able to disciple the generations ahead of them. We also need to do whatever we can and know what to do in preparing them to become disciples who can disciple the next generation of leaders as well. Let this be our focus as individuals and as well as a church.

My Prayer: Lord, grant me a vision for our next generation and to pray and to disciple them to become men and women of God who fear and love You completely with their lives. Raise up for us leaders and pastors who can shepherd and disciple them to become godly men and women who bear witness for You in this world that is trapped in and by sin.

Great Job!You're right on track.