23/07/2023, SundayNumbers 27


Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 27


This chapter consists of two stories:

  1. Giving inheritance to the daughters when there were no sons.

  2. Joshua succeeds Moses.

Coincidentally, both stories concern the succession of either possession or ministries. In the first story, due to the appeal of the daughters of Zelophehad, God instructed Moses to allow inheritance to be given to the daughters when the deceased had no son. Otherwise, it would go to the deceased's brothers; if he had no brother, it would go to his father's brothers. Otherwise, it would go to the nearest kin.

In the second story, God allowed Moses to look at the promised land but told him he would not enter. So Moses asked God who would succeed him in leading the Israelites into the promised land. God then appointed Joshua and got Moses to disseminate responsibility gradually to him.

What have we learnt about succession from these stories?

  1. Do not let succession cease, no matter how distant; ensure it continues.

  2. The decision of the successor is always with the LORD. (In both cases, they consulted the LORD.)

  3. The LORD allowed the system and structure to determine who shall inherit the land (the continuation of the legacy).

  4. For the decision of succeeding in the ministry, the LORD hand picks.

Let us also be concerned with the succession of our ministry and legacy. They are important in God's sight. Pray for wisdom from God so that we know who and how we shall hand over our responsibility and achievement.

On a personal note, perhaps we should get a will done in advance.

May the blessing and legacy of God continue through you. Blessing!

Great Job!You're right on track.