29/06/2023, ThursdayNumbers 4

In God’s Service

Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 4


After spending a year at Mt Sinai learning how to live as a people of God, it is about time for the Israelites to move on. The beginning chapters of Numbers contain instructions to take a census and assign responsibilities to the different groups of people in their move. Chapter 4 focuses on the sub-tribes of Levites, namely the Kohathites,  the Gershonites and the Merarites. They are to take care of the holy items, the curtains and the frames of the Tent of Meeting, respectively. 

Notice that it set a narrow age range for such services between thirty and fifty. We notice that for the service of a soldier, the minimum age is 20, and there is no top limit. One may think this is natural as they deal with God’s holy matters. Exactly so. Thus, we, too, must reserve the best for God’s ministries. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be a real-life situation. The cream of the crop usually would work as a doctor, lawyer and professional. How many parents prepare their children to become the servants of God? What would it be like with God’s kingdom on earth if this attitude continued?

I earnestly ask us to relook at our attitude towards God’s ministry. It deserves good people. Please give it a thought when you are preparing your children for their future. Please give it a thought when you are planning for your future. 

May the love of God dwells well in you.

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