30/06/2023, FridayNumbers 5

Purity of God’s People

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 5


The Book of Numbers gives us an account of the 38-year period Israel spent wandering in the desert after God established his covenant with them through Moses at Mount Sinai. Much of its laws for the people and priests is like those in Exodus. We are now in Chapter 5, and the Israelites are camping as they move from place to place. This chapter begins a section in Numbers that consists of the commands given for the Purity of the People (5:1-10:10).

The reason for the command to put the “unclean people” outside the camp is clearly stated that these people would not “defile the camp,” the place where the LORD cause his presence to dwell. This is so crucial at the beginning of their journey through the desert. God wants them to be clear that he cannot tolerate any impurity, uncleanness or profanity. The state of our physical condition could have some dampening effect upon God’s holy dwelling place, to defile it. (vv. 1-4)

Whenever a man or woman commits a sin, there is a need for confession and forgiveness; and where there is wrong, restitution must be made. (vv. 5-10) It is a sin that has two dimensions: a breaking faith with the LORD; and a wrong committed against a fellow man or woman. And so corresponding actions needed to be taken. Confession is made in the form of offering the ram of atonement. (v. 8), then restitution is made by repaying the full amount that is equivalent for the wrong that is committed, plus one-fifth to be compensated to the person that the wrong is committed against. This means the value is 120%. (v.7)

And if the person wronged is not present or he does not have a next of kin, then the restitution would still have to be made, and the amount of compensation would be given to the priest who is on duty to administer the confession and restitution.

Verses 11-22 prescribe an elaborate test of adultery for the Israelite community. It is an ancient practice that the LORD prescribed and is carried out by the priest. It requires the cooperation of the centre figure of the law – the woman. She does not need to defend herself or argue her way out, whether she is pure or defiled. Let her submit to the test of purity or adultery.

After the woman has agreed to submit to the test, the priest began to conduct the elaborate test, done before the Lord, and obviously, by implication, it is also done in the presence of her husband. (vv. 23-26)

What happens to the woman who submits to the test: If she had committed adultery and defiled herself before the Lord and broken faith with her husband, all the curses mentioned here would happen to her. She would fall sick, waste away and become a curse among her people. However, if she is proven not guilty, none of the curses would befall her. Instead, she would be free, continue to be healthy and able to conceive and bear children. (vv. 27 and 28)

Incidentally, this passage mentions that it is the woman who breaks faith with her husband. It further says that “The man shall be free from iniquity, but the woman shall bear her iniquity.”(v. 31)

What about the man who is caught or suspected of having adultery with a woman? Would the same elaborate test also apply? If it does not, then it does not seem to be fair! It seems that the law (vv. 29-31) applies to the woman who is suspected of adultery or breaking faith with her husband. She is the one who needs to submit to the test for purity or adultery. This is because the woman is “under her husband’s authority” (vv. 19, 20 & 29).

Even though this long passage seems to apply the “test” or “law” to the woman in the cases of jealousy for adultery, I want to believe that God is a holy and just God. He would bring the responsibility of every sin equally upon both the man and the woman. This is clearly mentioned in earlier verses in the same chapter(vv. 6-7). I am reminded that regardless of whether a person is a man or woman, it is God’s will for each one of us to live holy lives pleasing before the LORD. As the Bible says in Psalm 119:9-11,

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you;let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

Prayer : Dear Righteous, holy and just God, You are the God of holiness and you desire us to live in holiness and righteousness. Please help me to live a life of purity, faith and truth so that I might be your light and salt in this world, able to show others the way, and continue to exhibit your purifying goodness to the world. In Christ’s name. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.