05/07/2022, TuesdayRevelation 22:6-11

Trusting the Trustworthy Revelation

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

6 And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.” 7 “And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed them to me, 9 but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.” 10 And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. 11 Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.”


As we come to the epilogue of this “huge” book of prophecy that God has given to John, one question that comes to mind is how long was the Apostle John exiled in the tiny island of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea, about 80 km southwest of the city of Ephesus? Historians said he was exiled by the Roman Emperor Domitian for his faith in Jesus and for preaching the Gospel, and probably stayed in the Island between 1½ to 3 years. This gives us an idea of how long he had received and written down the prophecies.

Verse 6 affirms that the words of this prophecy are true and can be trusted, and “must soon take place.” This reminds us of the prologue in chapter 1:1, where John testified that he had received the revelation of Jesus Christ concerning “what must soon take place.” So these 2 verses 1:1 and 22:6 are like 2 bookends of the Book of Revelation.

Our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon!! These are such comforting words to everyone who continues to keep “the words of the prophecy of this book” (vv. 7, 10) and endures the difficult times. It encourages us with the hope to continue to live a life of holiness, righteousness and purity “for the time is near”!

Verse 11 gives us a very strong sense of urgency. There is no more time, and therefore, the angel said, “Let the evildoer still do evil and the filthy still be filthy.” It does not mean that God is happy if evil, filthy and wicked people do not repent. This is contrary to His very nature because God is not willing that ANY should perish but for ALL to come to repentance toward Him. (2 Peter 3:9)

What the verse means is that these evildoers who engage in evil and filthy deeds are so fixed and rigid in their ways that they have no more time (or opportunity) to repent. This is sad because when the Lord comes, it will be too late for them to repent or regret. Like what is said in chapter 6, they hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.” (Revelation 6:15b-16)

The Apostle John who heard and saw the whole Revelation unfolded before his eyes was so marvelled and amazed that he naturally responded by falling down on his knees to worship. He did not realize that he was falling down in worship before the angel. So the angel reminded him, “I am a fellow servant,” of the kingdom of God, together with the prophets and everyone who is obedient to the words of this book. He redirected John to worship God! When we have seen things that are so marvellous like the revelation of God to John, the only rightful response is to fall down and worship God!

Sometimes, in the course of our life, we would see someone who is “spiritual,” admirable, adorable and “so perfect,” and their words are so true and convincing that we thought they might be the manifestation of God, and we misdirected our praise and worship toward them. May we be reminded that God is One, and He is the Only One worthy of our worship, and there is none besides Him.

John assures us that the words of this prophecy in Revelation are Trustworthy and True (v. 6) and those who obey them will surely be blessed. How are we trusting and believing in God’s word? How are we being encouraged by it? And how are we obeying what is written in it? (See also chapter 1:3)

The Word of God assures us that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon. Let us be prepared by living a holy, righteous and pure life (v. 11b) one that is pleasing to Him, so that together as a church we might be the pure and holy Bride of Christ, awaiting His return.

Heavenly Father, God of all true revelation and prophecy. May you accept our worship and praise for revealing your words in the Scripture, words that are able to make us wise and give us the discernment against falsehood and error. May your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth continue to lead and guide me into all truth. Help me to be diligent to read and hear your word and give me the sincere faith to trust and keep it so that I might live a life that is according to your will and be truly blessed. These I ask in the name of my Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.