02/09/2024, Monday1 Chronicles 8 : 1 – 9 : 1a

A God-Pleasing Legacy

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch 8,Click here to read Ch 9


Introduction While walking around Esplanade Park, you may find the Lim Bo Seng Memorial Hall. Although many people, especially the young, may not be familiar with Lim Bo Seng, he played an important role in the war against Japan in the Second World War (1937-1945). This monument was built in 1954 to commemorate his valour and selflessness during the war, leaving a valuable legacy for future generations.

When I read about the genealogy of the tribe of Benjamin in 1 Chronicles 8:1-9:1a, I am reminded of Lim Bo Seng's history, which draws my attention to two key figures in the genealogy: King Saul and his son Jonathan (1 Kings 8:33,34). Their lives teach us how to leave a spiritual legacy in the kingdom of God. Saul's story, though full of hope, ends in tragedy; Jonathan, on the other hand, is known for his loyalty and spirit of sacrifice. Their stories inspire us to think about the kind of spiritual legacy we want to leave in God's kingdom.

Saul: A Life of Prestige but Fallen

Saul was chosen and anointed by God to be the first king of Israel, and his reign began with great promise - he was strong, tall, and greatly admired by the people. However, despite Saul's early success, his heart eventually turned away from God. His pride, lack of faith, and repeated disobedience led to his downfall (1 Samuel 15:22-23). Saul's story reminds us that worldly success and honour mean nothing if our hearts are not aligned with God's will.

Jonathan: A Life of Integrity but Sacrificial

Jonathan, the son of king Saul was very different from his father. Though he was the natural heir to the throne, Jonathan understood that God had chosen David to be the next king. In submission to God's will, Jonathan chose to support David, surrendering his own right to the throne and even risking his life to protect him (1 Samuel 18:3-4). Jonathan's life was marked by integrity and loyalty, demonstrating a heart fully surrendered to God's purposes. His selflessness and commitment to God's plan exemplified a legacy of righteousness.

What kind of life do we choose to live?

The lives of Saul and Jonathan make us think about the kind of Christian life we wish to live. Will we, like Saul, seek transient glory and power, even at the cost of going against God's will? Or, like Jonathan, will we live a godly and righteous life, sacrificing personal gain for God's will?

Reflection As we reflect on the lives of Saul and Jonathan, let us resolve to live in a way that glorifies God. Let us choose the path of righteousness, care for the needs of others, and follow God's commands rather than seek worldly rewards. In this way, our lives will be faithful and obedient, serving as a testimony to the glory of God and leaving a spiritual legacy that can influence future generations.

Prayer : Dear Father, as we reflect on the story of Saul and Jonathan, we ask you to give us the grace to be guided to live according to your will. Help us to be humble and faithful like Jonathan and not to learn from Saul's pride and disobedience. Give us the discernment and courage to walk in righteousness, so that our lives reflect your glory and grace. May we leave a legacy that glorifies your holy name. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.