03/09/2024, Tuesday1 Chronicles 9 : 1b - 44

Restoring Worship

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch 9


After the record of the genealogies of 12 tribes and the start of kingdom period by highlighting the genealogy their first king, Saul, chapter 9 verse 1 tells us that this glorious kingdom ultimately ended in exile by the Babylonians. The reason for their exile was not due to weakening of political prowess nor was it due to internal strives. Even though these were indeed issues which the nation faced throughout the kingdom period. The key reason of their downfall the chronicler highlighted, was because of their spiritual infidelity toward Yahweh.

The chronicler then skipped past the 70 years of exile and went straight to highlight their return. The chapter recorded the people of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh who returned to Jerusalem. This return was not just a physical relocation, but also a spiritual renewal, as they sought to reestablish their covenantal relationship with Yahweh and rebuild their community.

The detailed account included the descendants of Judah, Benjamin, and the Priests, Levites, and temple servants. Why did the chronicler specifically choose to pick this group of people? The people of Judah and Benjamin were the descendants of the Kingly lineage of David and Saul,. The Priest, Levites and temple servants served in temple worship. These group of people were selected to return back to Jerusalem to reestablish temple worship. Their return from exile was not to first rebuild their homes nor the city walls. The returnees sought to restore their identity as God’s people by resuming their duties in the temple and maintaining their covenantal relationship with Yahweh.

The Priest played crucial roles in the religious worship of the community. The Levites assisted in the smooth operation of the temple where they oversaw the temple’s treasury, prepared whatever was necessary for worship, and led worship through music. They were dedicated to their roles, which were performed day and night, ensuring that worship in the temple was conducted according to the instructions given by David and Solomon. The gatekeepers ensured that only those who were ceremonially clean could enter into the house of God.

They have returned to restore the breach of faith which had resulted in their exile.

In the same way, like the Israelites, at the heart of our Christian faith, it must be about returning back to the worship of our true and living God. He must take first and central place not just during our worship service, but also in our daily lives. God must be first. Everyone has priorities. We arrange our schedules, budgets, and relationships according to perceived importance. Putting God first means we give Him top priority over everything else. He is the principal figure in our lives and central to all we do and think. When we choose to put God first, we determine that He is more important than any other person, His Word is more valuable than any other message, and His will is weightier than any other imperative. Christ calls us to “seek ye first the kingdom of God”.

Dear brothers and sisters, how does your personal worship looks like today? Are we restoring whole hearted worship of Christ in our lives? Are we attempting to put Him as the top priority of our lives? God desires and draws us to worship Him, He has given us the avenue to worship Him through the Holy Spirit, would we respond to God’s call to love and worship Him?

Prayer: God, thank you for calling and drawing me to worship you, even when we are so caught up in our busy and self-indulgent state. Help us God to restore our worship unto You and that we may find ourselves being drawn into your presence daily. Thank you Jesus, in Christ most precious name.

Great Job!You're right on track.