23/05/2024, Thursday1 Kings 1

Who rules your life?

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

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King David is now of old age, he is sick, and he is weak. His history of poor parenting and rule over his own household continues to bring problems to his kingdom rule. One of his sons, Adonijah, seizes the opportunity to declare himself king, even though he was not the appointed successor (1 Chronicles 22:5-9). He did not think that David could oppose him in his elderly and weak state – Adonijah was prideful, he exalted himself instead of letting God exalt him. Adonijah manipulated the situation by recruiting powerful people to support him, but it was all for his personal gain – Adonijah was selfish.

David did not seem to know any of this and it seemed like the continuation of David’s kingdom was in jeopardy. However, through the intervention of the prophet, Nathan, and Bathsheba, David was reminded of what he had promised and the right outcome was achieved. Solomon was anointed king, and Adonijah’s allies abandoned him. Wisdom from God in leadership allows us to be in step with God’s direction, and to be obedient to His desires.

When Solomon took the throne, Adonijah was fearful. He feared the fate of death at the hands of Solomon, he feared the judgment of Solomon. But Solomon showed mercy and love and did not take Adonijah’s life. Instead, he granted him security on the condition that he conducts himself with loyalty and honour. As God’s people we ought to hate evil, but we, too, can show mercy and love to our enemies.

At the heart of the fight over the earthly throne, we are reminded that the rightful rule is established by God, and the right time to take action is always in obedience to our Lord. Not only does God establish our earthly rule, He, too, has set the rightful rule of our spiritual lives, indeed our whole life, to our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Are we like Adonijah, trying to wrestle the rightful rule away from whom God has placed over us? Or are we like Solomon, being obedient and submitting to the rightful rule that God has appointed? If we say, we submit to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, then how does what we do and how we live our lives show that Jesus Christ is ruler of our lives? May we live our lives in obedience to Christ, and allow Him to take the throne of our lives.

Prayer : Dear Father, thank you, for the knowledge and understanding of your sovereignty in my life. Jesus Christ, you are King of kings and Lord of lords, please be enthroned in my life. Holy Spirit, help me to live a life of obedience. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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