25/04/2024, Thursday2 Samuel 24 : 1 - 25

Learning from David

Sis. Charity Wong

Passage of the day

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In the past 24 chapters, we've been on quite the journey with David – from slaying giants to dealing with family drama, it's been a wild ride! Now, we reach the final chapter of David's story.

David decides to take a census, and while his reasons might be up for debate, it was not pleasing to God, as David’s heart condemns him. David knows he messed up and he owns up to it, asking for forgiveness.

David faces the consequences of his actions but chooses to fall into the hands of the Lord rather than man because the Lord is merciful. This has been proven to be true time and again in 2 Samuel and once again in 2 Samuel 24:25, the last verse of the book, when the Lord responded to the plea from the land and the plague was averted from Israel.

David was a remarkable figure, but he wasn't perfect – just like us, he struggled with sin. His story reminds us that we can slip up at any point in life, even near the end. But David also teaches us the importance of humility, repentance, and staying close to God.

David inspires me to listen to God's voice, own up to my mistakes, and draw closer to Him for cleansing and renewal. Because in the end, the joy of being in God's presence and being right with Him far outweighs the temporary discomfort of admitting our faults and surrendering our will to Him.

Prayer : Dear Heavenly Father, I'm sorry for the times when I've done things that do not please you, please forgive me. I pray for the sensitivity to listen to the Holy Spirit's prompting and courage to admit my mistakes, just as David did. Help me to trust in Your character and to choose to abide in You all the days of my life for better is one day in Your court than thousand elsewhere. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.