16/06/2024, Sunday1 Kings 22

Majority does not necessary win

Rev. Dr. Casey Lok

Passage of the day

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As this is a long chapter with fifty-three verses, we will define the scope of our mediation within v1-40. The story begins (v1-4) with the two kings – Jehoshaphat from Judah and Ahab from Israel coming to unite in fighting against Syria to repossess Ramoth-gilead, a land that supposedly belongs to Israel.

Upon Jehoshaphat’s suggestion (v5-12), both decide to seek spiritual counsel before they set war. They first approached four hundred prophets and they unanimously agreed that they would win. Though it is not specified, they probably belonged to Baal or Asherah. This is based on what Jehoshaphat suggested to seek a prophet of God and the fact that Israel had fallen deeply into spiritual apostasy. Ahab under the influence of his Sidonian wife, Jezebel had led the nation away from Yahweh. There was Micaiah whom they could consult but he was a prophet whom Ahab disliked because his prophecies were not favorable to him.

When the messengers first came to Micaiah (v13-16), they urged him to sing the same tune with the majority by giving a favorable prophecy to Ahab and Jehoshaphat. And this was exactly what he did when he first came to the king. But when Ahab who did not believe what he heard from Micaiah and asked him to speak the truth, Micaiah then changed his prophecy. It was not known whether Micaiah followed the majority at the beginning or that he only heard God’s word about the lying spirit after when Ahab questioned him.

Micaiah prophesied in v17-23 that it was a lying spirit which was allowed by God to deceive the two kings and the 400 false prophets of Baal. God had determined Ahab’s destiny of downfall. Verses 24-27 describe how Micaiah’s opposing prophecy infuriated Ahab and his military commander that they imprisoned the prophet though he had prophesied the truth.

Ahab and Jehoshaphat went ahead to war against Syria. And it was precisely what God prophesied through Micaiah that Ahab was killed in the battle.

The majority of 400 Baal prophets against the minority of 1 prophet of God (Micaiah) is strikingly out of proportion. But even so, God who is omnipotent and whose prophecy through Micaiah came true against the other 400 prophets - Ahab died in the battle. Interestingly, there was another battle, the scale of which was even more unproportionate – 850 prophets in total against 1 prophet (Elijah) at Mt Carmel (1 Ki 18:19).

The saying “majority wins” becomes a guiding principle in society. It is also being utilized in our church’s voting system for a decision to be passed. But if this principle violates the will of God and Christian value in the bible, majority does not necessarily win in the economy of God. Are you in such a situation in your school or working place? Do you feel that you are the minority that has to succumb to the way of the majority? If yes, please use the following prayer.

Prayer : Dear God, I am facing this situation: ______________ (tell God the situation specifically). I sense that you want me to follow the example of Elijah and Micaiah, please grant me wisdom to become your voice that upholds Your righteousness and the integrity of my heart, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.