15/07/2024, Monday2 Kings 1

Who is your God?

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

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King Ahaziah, son of King Ahab took the throne upon Ahab’s death, and he will reign for only two years (1 Kings 22:51). He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the way of his father and in the way of his mother (1 Kings 22:52). Not only did he not learn from his father’s mistakes, but continued to do what was evil in the sight of the Lord, and angered the Lord in every way that his father had done (1 Kings 22:53).

Against this backdrop, it was not difficult to understand Ahaziah’s actions when he fell through the lattice in his upper chamber and lay sick (2 Kings 1:1). He wanted to know if he would recover and sent messengers to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron. Ekron is a city in Philistia. Ahaziah wanted to hear from a false god that the Philistines worship in Ekron, instead of inquiring of the true and living God.

God, through Elijah, delivered a sobering message to the king. This message was in two parts. First, a rebuke to Ahaziah that even though he had the God of Israel, he refused to consult the true and living God, but instead chose to consult a false god. Second, that Ahaziah will not leave his bed and will surely die.

How did Ahaziah respond to this message from God? He sent a captain with fifty men to get Elijah. This was certainly not for peace, but to show his power as king. The captain calls Elijah a man of God but was commanding and asked him to, “Come down”. Elijah was ready to show that he was indeed a man of God. And so fire came down from heaven and consumed Ahaziah’s men. Not only did Ahaziah not learn from the death of the first army he sent to Elijah, he sent a second group of fifty men to capture Elijah. The second captain, too, called Elijah a man of God, but did not mean it, and asked him to “Come down quickly”, being more bold and demanding than the first captain. Elijah gave the same response and fire came down from heaven again and consumed Ahaziah’s men.

Did Ahaziah learn? He certainly did not, because he sent a third group of men. This time, the captain not only recognised Elijah as man of God, he was also quick to ask for mercy. The lives of the men were spared and the angel of the Lord told Elijah to go down with the captain. Elijah’s message to Ahaziah remained the same. And Ahaziah died, according to the word of the Lord that Elijah had spoken (2 Kings 1:17).

Ahaziah had not walked in the way of the Lord, but God clearly desires Ahaziah’s full allegiance and obedience. Ahaziah’s sinful ways angered God, but while God is a just God, He is also a merciful God, giving Ahaziah multiple times to repent and to turn back to Him. And because Ahaziah did not repent, he had to face his punishment. Similarly, God desires our full obedience. He desires for our faith in Him, instead of turning to worldly understanding. When we are facing challenges and difficulties in our lives, God desires that we turn to Him, and He will help us. God is also calling upon us to not walk in our own ways, and to walk in His will and according to His heart’s desires. He is giving us multiple opportunities to repent of our sins and to turn back to him. Fear the Lord, but know also that He is a God of mercy and grace, and that He will forgive us of our sins.

What is our choice today? Who our God is determines what path we will take. If our true and living God is whom you put your trust in, then will you repent of your sins and walk daily in full obedience to God?

Prayer : Dear God, thank you, because you are a God who is near, and you are a God whom I can turn to in times of need. You are also a God who loves me. Dear God, please forgive me of the many times I have rebelled against You and not live according to Your will. Help me, Lord, to turn back to You, and to walk as Your Word teaches me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.