09/08/2024, Friday2 Kings 24 : 18 – 25 : 30

It is all about our sovereign God

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch 24 , Click here to read Ch 25


Even as we come to the last chapter of 2 Kings, we see yet another king who “did what was evil in the sight of the Lord” (24:19), so much so that verse 24:20 tells us, “For because of the anger of the Lord it came to the point in Jerusalem and Judah that he cast them out from his presence”.

Not only did Zedekiah do what was evil in the eyes of the Lord, he also failed in his attempt to rebel against Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar retaliated and laid siege to Jerusalem. King Zedekiah tried to flee Jerusalem, but was caught, and as a punishment, his sons will slaughtered in before his eyes. Then his eyes were gouged out and he was taken to Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar burned down the temple, looted the precious objects, put to death the chief and second priest, killed the leaders, broke down the walls around Jerusalem, and carried its people into exile, leaving some of the poorest behind. Over those who remained, he appointed Gedaliah as governor who did not last too long either. The history of Israel ended with its exiled king Jehoiachin being given a seat above the seats of the kings in Babylon.

If we were to look back into history in Deuteronomy 17, where the people had asked for a king like all the nations around them, the Israelites certainly would not have envisioned a day of exile and ruins. How did they end up in a situation like in this last chapter of 2 Kings? The truth is, these kings had not kept God’s command. In Deuteronomy 17:14-20, the Lord had given His command, when He allowed for a king, that the king should learn to fear the LORD his God, to keep the words of the law, and not turn away from the commandments. These kings whom we read about had not obeyed God and had turned away from God. Indeed, Israel’s history is not about the years, the cities, even the kings, Israel’s history tells us about God and obedience to God. And if we had followed Israel’s history and continues to do so, God’s holiness is evident in His judgement, God’s grace and mercy is evident in His forgiveness, and God’s sovereignty is evident in that nothing that happens is out of His sight.

God did not abandon His people, He gave His people a better king, a king who is not corrupted, a king who keeps His commandments, a king who does not see himself greater than His people, a King who can reign forever and forever, on the throne of our hearts. That king is Jesus Christ.

May our hearts be turned to our sovereign God, may our hearts be turned to our Saviour Jesus Christ, may He take the throne of our lives. May we fear and obey God, and keep His commandments and statues. May we walk intimately with God, allowing Him to lead us in all our ways.

Prayer : Dear God, you are sovereign. Help me to know You, love You, and obey You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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