26/08/2024, Monday1 Chronicles 1 : 1 - 2 : 2

God’s redemptive plan

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch 1 , Click here to read Ch 2


How many of us would admit to skipping over portions of genealogies in the bible, finding them boring, and some of the names difficult to pronounce. Yes, indeed there may not be a lot of excitement behind these names, or we may not even be clear of the narratives behind them, but some of the bible’s most interesting messages are found in how these genealogies are arranged.

In the first chapter of 1 Chronicles, we see a summary of the generations mentioned in Genesis, from Adam to Noah, to Abraham, to Esau/Edom, and the mention of the 12 sons of Israel in the first two verses of Chapter 2. And while God was not mentioned at all in this chapter, we see God almost everywhere in the stories behind these names.

We see God walking with Adam in Eden, and how He sent Adam and Eve out from the garden. We see God’s blessing in the birth of Seth. We see God walking with Enoch. We see God calling Noah righteous, making His covenant with them, but we also see the failure of men after the flood. We see God calling Abraham, and making him the father of all nations. We see Abraham’s obedience, and God’s providence of a ram over a surrendered Isaac. We see God blessing Esau as He promised. We also see Jacob who was named Israel.

If we know the stories behind all these names, we will know that it was God’s plan right from the beginning, and that He had repeatedly reached out to His Creation. As we observe this genealogy, we see the family of Abraham strategically located in the middle, and contrasted with the responses from the family of Esau, a reminder of the differing responses to the covenantal relationship with God. We see the listing of the twelve sons of Israel following the genealogy of Esau, a reminder that the Jews persist as the people of God.

To the Israelites of the time, who had been in exile, this genealogy was a reminder of the faithfulness of God, that they continued to be in His redemptive plan.

To us Christians of the present time, what would this genealogy remind us of?

God has been faithful in His Word from generations to generations, from Adam to all those listed in the genealogy. It is a reminder of how God continually reaches out to His Creation so that His people may return to Him. It is a reminder that we continue to be part of His redemptive story, and that our places in His genealogy can serve as a testimony to those who come after us. May we be found faithful, as we tell of His saving grace.

Prayer : Dear Father, thank you that I am included in your redemptive plan. Help me to speak of Your grace and mercy that others may turn to You as well. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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