27/08/2023, SundayDeuteronomy 6:10-25

Don’t Forget God in our Prosperity!

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 6


In verses 10-12, God warns the Israelites about the danger of turning away from Him when He prospers them by giving cities and houses not built by them. It happened in the times of the Judges when they focused on the blessings instead of on the God who blessed them. God punished them, but when they returned to Him, He blessed them again for their obedience. It is easy for us to forget God in the good times. So, the warning is for us too. We must not forget the God who prospers us.

In verses 13-19, we can learn that to avoid forgetting God in our prosperity is by fearing and serving Him faithfully. Jesus quoted this passage when Satan told Him that He could avoid the cross by worshipping him instead. Although we must not take any oath in God’s name lightly, in this passage it seems to suggest it is permissible. However, we cannot make in the names of other gods. 

God also warned them not to tempt Him as they did in Massah as recorded in Exodus 17:1-7 where Israel doubted God’s love and concern for them. They tested God’s love by demanding He prove His love by giving them what they wanted. Anytime we doubt God’s love, or demand He does what we want, we are testing Him. Jesus also quoted this passage to Satan in the wilderness as well. He told Jesus to make God prove His love for Him by protecting Him if He jumps off the pinnacle of the temple. It is wrong to test God by demanding “proof” of His love or to demand He does or gives us what we want. 

Instead, God said that if the Israelites did what was right then all would be well with them. The theme of obedience results in blessings and disobedience results in cursing is constantly reiterated in the Old Covenant. But it is different in the New Covenant as the law of God and the desire to do His will is now written on our hearts. The judgment (curse) of our disobedience is put on the Son. We are saved through grace, and we receive (His blessings) by faith in Jesus’ name. The Old Covenant’s way did not make anyone godlier than the New Covenant. The New Covenant is that we are made godly by the grace of God. Our response to His grace is by obeying Him!

In verses 20-25, we can help the next generation from ever forgetting God in their prosperity by teaching them to honor God. The next generation did not experience hardship, but they grew up in prosperity. They often think they are entitled to everything. Thus, it was essential for Israel to teach and warn their children so they would not focus on the blessing and forget the God who blessed them. They must be taught about how God saved them from the bondage of Egypt and how they should honor and obey Him. As parents, we need to tell our children how we came to a personal relationship with Jesus, so our children will understand that they must come to the same relationship with Him. 

We must not think that is just so simple, obey the law and we will become righteous before God. But obeying the law wasn’t easy for Israel as she kept breaking the law. Jesus made it easy for us to be righteous. He sacrificed Himself for our sins so that we can be righteous before God. It is easy for us as Singaporeans to forget God in our prosperity too. I hope you have not forgotten the God who prospers us!  

My Prayer : O Lord, forgive me if I have forgotten You or focus on Your blessings but instead focus on You who had blessed us. Help us to focus back on You today !

Great Job!You're right on track.