28/08/2023, MondayDeuteronomy 7

Promises and Instructions

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 7


The Promises and Instructions of the LORD are very certain and clear. God’s promise is “when” not “if.” God promised to bring Israel into the Promised Land. They were to take possession of it and devote the seven nations to complete destruction and not to make any covenant or show mercy to them.

If they were truly able to do these, there is no more concern that they would intermarry with the people of these nations, and no danger of idolatry being imported into Israel. But they were unable to do so. Therefore verse 4 says, “… they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly.”

These who did not obey the Lord to destroy the altars of the Asherim and burn their carved images with fire (v.5) will taste God’s fierce anger and receive his recompense. He would repay them to their face and destroy them, since they refused to obey God.

The others who faithfully follow the LORD, and “break down their altars and dash in pieces their pillars and chop down their Asherim and burn their carved images with fire” (v. 5) would receive God’s promise of blessings described in verses 12-16. God would keep his side of the covenant and love them with a steadfast love. They would receive all the blessings he promised: love and blessing and the multiplying of children, the produce of the ground and increase in their herds and flock. They will not be barren, and the LORD will keep them healthy and strong. This might sound a little like the “prosperity gospel” but here it was really God’s promise of blessings to Israel.

When they were still fearful, God reminded them of the signs and wonders he performed for them against Pharaoh while they were in Egypt. He encouraged them not to be afraid “for the Lord your God is in your midst, a great and awesome God.” (v. 21) He is also a wise God for he did not totally wipe out the nations all at once, but cleared them away little by little, in order that the wild beast might not grow to become too formidable and threaten them. (v.22)

Our God is a great and awesome God. He has given us clear promises and instructions in the Bible. When we obey him with a willing and sincere heart and not grudgingly or legalistically, we will receive His precious promises of health and prosperity.

Our God is also a good and wise God who cares for His people. He knows how much trials we could bear, and he encourages us through past victories and experiences to help us exercise faith to trust and obey him.

Prayer: Dear great and awesome God, you are the God who demonstrates your great power and faithfulness to your people. You are also the loving and wise God who knows our frailty and how much trials and testing we could bear. Thank you that you are with us for you live in us by your Holy Spirit. I pray that you will help me rely on your wisdom and strength and live a victorious life for your glory. In Christ’s name. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.